Starbucks’ Massive Price Increases  – IOTW Report

Starbucks’ Massive Price Increases 

Discern Report: Restaurant prices are still rising all across the United States, and even your regular coffee order at Starbucks is going to get more expensive in the coming weeks. According to a new report, this is the fifth time Starbucks is raising menu prices in two years. The coffee house chain is also implementing “additional pricing actions” that can result in extra fees for some beverages as it attempts to boost its bottom line in the second half of 2023.

Many consumers have already started to notice price changes in their area recently, and while some complain about yet another spike in menu costs, the company is seeing profits go through the roof. The controversial pricing strategy is being followed by multiple fast food and restaurant chains right now as they prepare for a consumer recession and introduce their final price hikes before the economy starts to crater again. more

45 Comments on Starbucks’ Massive Price Increases 

  1. LOL Getgo gas station has better coffee than Starbutts at a fraction of the price. 1/2 the time the cashier waives me through if coffee is the only thing I am buying. It’s the old lady factor.

  2. That Old Guy
    When i was a young one we used to walk a couple miles to the nearest Red Barn 15 cent burgers i think they went up to about 25 cents while i was in grade school.
    Anyway about Coffee,Found a place in Toronto to buy beans un-roasted from various places all over the world,hundred bucks for a small home roaster and you are a King.

  3. Had one Starbucks years ago. Unimpressed. Used to buy Farmers Bros., but now I can buy a nice steak for the price of two 14 Oz. cans of that! Don’t buy that anymore either.
    It’s coffee. I’m not that much of a designer person i guess.

  4. The ONLY reason to go to a Starbuck’s if if I’m in the middle of a Repair & I ran low on Bolt Washers & Cotter pins. I can Pull them out of the staffs Ears & Noses & finish my repairs.

    We buy Kicking Horse Coffee: $13-$15 for 10oz pre Ground. BREW at Home and use Thermos

    Generally they are Very Smooth with WAY LESS ACID & Heartburn.

    Versions we use:
    Kick Ass – It literally kicks you out of bed FAST
    Grizzly Claw – My son’s fav.
    454 Horsepower – My fav. & what I use BEFORE a Hard Mountain bike Ride

    The others are Ok except for “Half Ass” which is harsh. – Avoid

  5. Starbuck opened a place right near where I used to work years ago. Went there a lot, it was convenient. Decor was nice, comfortable seating. Manager was great. It all changed; purple/green/blue haired girls, lispy guys, no more comfortable seating, just hard tables and chairs. Alot of Door Dash orders sitting there on the counter. Haven’t been in years. It’s convenient when traveling, however.

  6. It’s been decades since I went into a Starbucks. Can’t remember if the coffee was good or bad, but it was over priced then. I stopped going because of their politics. Don’t feed the hand that bites you.

    Dutch Bros if I really need to get drive-up caffeine.

  7. I make a pot for myself and co-workers first thing in the morning. I buy a cannister of breakfast grind at Coatco, and the company reimburses me. So… cuppa in the morning, and better tasting.
    (BTW, I prefer mine straight black, just let it cool down)

  8. Never been in a Starbucks.
    Never drank their “coffee.”

    Suit me just fine if they raised the price to $100/cup.
    Fuck the bozos.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I wouldn’t know about Starbucks, but McDonalds has gone into the stratosphere with their pricing. We trade with them on trips and a meal for the kids’ and I has gone up nearly 300%

    I never liked Subway, but a single foot long breakfast sandwich for the two little ones cost me a double sawbuck. I thought they advertised $5 foot long sandwiches. Who knew?

  10. @ Alexb, I put on my best grandma face over the bat crap crazy one I normally wear.

    The best coffee and inexpensive – I swear by Aldi’s German Roasted Mild (low acidity) and their Medium. Shockingly good.

  11. @JD ~ what the hell is ‘foot long breakfast’?

    went to StarF*ck’s one time, happened on the way to our Potomac Water Plant back in the early ’80’s. stopped in ’cause it was the only place in town (Potomac Village … hoity-toity land) where you could get a cup of coffee (that I knew of) …. not impressed … give me 7-11 or Dunkin’ Donuts … cheaper & much better!

    for me, it’s Dunkin’Donuts Ground French Vanilla from WallyWorld for $8.59 a pound. brew it in the 15 year old Keurig Vue …. perfect 10 0z. cup every time

    hell, I’d rather have a Maxwell House Instant Sugar-Free decaf Swiss Mocha that that swill

  12. Eight O’ Clock Columbian Peaks whole bean ground in a ridiculously expensive Kitchen Aid burr grinder that I’ve been using for 15 years. brewed in a cheap Mr Coffee 12 cup.

    About the only food I give a shit about.

    Loved Dunkin’ Donuts coffee until the wokesters took it over around when 0bama cheated the election, they changed it to almost water, now it’s tolerable, bit it will never get back to the best at this rate.

  13. I’m one of those asshats who bought an antique percolator. The woman from whom I bought it asked, “Is this your first?”

    “First coffee maker?”

    “Electric Percolator.”

    “Yes it is.”

    “You know it’s a disease and you will have ten of them within a year.”

    I laughed. But she was correct.

    My favorite is a Labelle 1955a automatic, and Jennifer’s favorite is a Mirro Matic 6 cup.

  14. I have a coffee maker from my parents. You boiled it over your stove. I distinctly remember them referring to it as a “Percolator”. I ran across it last winter and the next Sunday I “Percolated” some coffee. Best coffee ever. Has a little clear bulb on the top so you can tell when actual percolation is taking place. On any given lazy Sunday I percolate.

  15. Yup, we have a few stovetop units. And some of mine are electric, but not automatic. And some are automatic. One of my LF&C has a sliding switch for coffee strength. My other LF&C is from the 1920s and you have to use a timer.

    My favorite was a mirro that made very strong coffee with normal water levels and normal coffee levels, but it burned out after a few years. I found another of the same unit and it made piss-water coffee. So I cast about to find the perfect percolator.

    Mine, now, is the Laballe that looks like a chrome ball. Jennifer’s is the tiny 6 cup that works quite well, but it doesn’t have the glass bulb. You have to listen for when the thermostat clicks off.

  16. I have a very finally tuned brain that runs on the basic three major food groups. Caffeine, Beans, and Nicotine. I’m a coffee snob. Black. My second favorite grind is Starbucks Pikes Place. Very smooth. And just as smooth if yo buy it from one of their store fronts. Breakfast on the run? Their egg bites are awesome. Their Smoke Bacon Breakfast Sandwich is freaken bad ass. I stopped patronizing them about 6 months ago. And here’s why. Damn near mandatory tipping. And they start out at 20%. Even through their drive throughs. Are you fing kidding me. What other fast food outfit asks for tip while going through their drive through. So I’ll stock up on my number one fav grind, and Starbucks can kiss the left side of my right cheek.

  17. Back when I was 16 or so my mom had an electric percolator. And she used 2 pound cans of ground coffee.i guarantee, if I could duplicate that coffee I could put Starbucks out of business. It was awesome, and I haven’t tasted that since.

  18. joe6pak

    Same here. The amazing part is they were most likely sing Folgers which was 20% SAW DUST. LOL.

    OT. I’m guessing Hillary just arrived in NorCal. Just had to run out and pull all the umbrellas from the pool area. I’m guessing 40 mph winds. And increasing. If my shit burns down tomorrow, AVENGE ME. LOL.

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