Starbucks shop boots police officers because customer ‘did not feel safe’ around them: reports – IOTW Report

Starbucks shop boots police officers because customer ‘did not feel safe’ around them: reports

FOX: Some police officers in Tempe, Ariz., say they were asked to leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer complained they “did not feel safe” with the cops present, according to reports.

Five officers were drinking coffee at the Starbucks location prior to their shift beginning when a barista asked them to move out of the complaining customer’s line of sight or else leave, the Tempe Officers Association wrote in a series of Twitter messages.

Rob Ferraro, president of the police union, told FOX 10 of Phoenix that such treatment of police officers seems to be happening more often these days.

“It’s become accepted to not trust or to see police and think that we’re not here to serve you, and again, it goes back to — we take great pride of the level of customer service we provide to citizens, and to be looked at as feeling unsafe when you have law enforcement around you is somewhat perplexing to me,” Ferraro told the station in a phone interview.

The police union also posted a series of Twitter messages about the incident.

“This treatment of public safety workers could not be more disheartening,” the union wrote. “While the barista was polite, making such a request at all was offensive. Unfortunately, such treatment has become all too common in 2019.” more here

27 Comments on Starbucks shop boots police officers because customer ‘did not feel safe’ around them: reports

  1. To be quite honest, what were these assholes doing in a Starbucks to begin with? Yes there are asshole cops! Not many, but enough to embarrass the rest.
    Starsucks bucks.

  2. Maybe Starbucks 911 calls go to the bottom of the pile for awhile. The customer can complain all she/he wants but for the barista to ask the cops to either displace themselves so they can’t be seen or to leave is too much. Since race and gender are all the rage today maybe they ought to publish both those to describe the complainant although I suspect I could guess.

  3. I just want to mention that several weapon-carrying officers visited Peets while I was there this morning, in The Peoples’ Republic of Santa Monica no less, without anybody expressing any sort of concern. It is a few random individuals who make a big deal out of things like these, and unfortunately in this case some clueless staff.

  4. @Vietvet – Same here, but that was a long, long, time ago!
    I was born in 1949. And you, if you care to answer?

    edit: When I was growing up, almost all cops were Peace Officers. Today, far too many are simply enforcers, and far too many tolerate abusive thugs in their ranks.

  5. @Uncle Al (at 7:19 pm): I hate admitting my true age, but I’ll give you a hint: The year I was born, the nation was so impressed by my birth that the Government struck special steel pennies (cents, actually) in my honor. So – if you know anything about numismatics…


  6. Problem is, what if one of the cops goes to use the bathroom and finds the regular-customer, junkie, shooting heroine? They don’t want to lose the regulars. As a business owner, I can understand that. 😁

  7. Moe is in the lead, right behind my dad, 1940, and still kicking.

    Can anyone beat Moe (1941)? He can actually pick up a phone and call Mr. Pinko! Haven’t seen any of you youngins’ do that! 😲🤔😃

  8. Hmmmm.
    If I was the manager I would have thought…
    Six paying police officers on one hand.
    One paying snowflake on the other.
    Then I would have suggested the snowflake leave or find another seat where “it” doesn’t have to see the police.

    I avoid Starbutts to the point I will suffer a caffeine withdrawal headache before entering one.

  9. I am glad to see that Starbucks is no longer at the Veteran’s Hospital at Castle Point , New York. I wonder what happened there.?
    The coffee station is no longer Starbucks? Anyone?

  10. Good cops exist, bad cops exist….

    But I will still put full trust in my local police much sooner than some ‘barista’ that prefers to cater to a ‘starbucks’ customer.

  11. Those Butt-Hurt Snowflakes will be the first and loudest screamers when something bad happens! The last time I wuz in a Starbux (which was a loooong time ago) I didn’t know if the lady in front of me wuz placing an order or reciting a Satanic incantation!

  12. Starbucks obviously has shown that the don’t require the attention of the police when businesses of other ethical standards would require it. So put them at the bottom of the list for importance to respond.

  13. I don’t trust the police either

    A government agency that investigates itself?

    Armed collection agents for city bugets?

    Rounding up people to keep the courts and jails busy?

    They “Protect and Defend” government interests only.

    I dont feel safe around them either.


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