State apologizes, lets Alabama man keep ‘Let’s go Brandon’ license plate – IOTW Report

State apologizes, lets Alabama man keep ‘Let’s go Brandon’ license plate


By Sarah Whites-Koditschek |

Alabama, in a sudden reversal, will allow an Oneonta man to keep his personalized license plate that slams President Joe Biden. The state even apologized for its original effort to take back the plate.

Nathan Kirk, owner of Blount County Tactical gun store, personalized his license plate with the acronym LGBFJB, a reference to the political chant “Let’s go Brandon” followed by a vulgar insult of Biden.

To make the message even clearer, Kirk told that he added a “don’t tread on me” plate cover which has the words “Let’s go Brandon” on it.

“I see it as a goofy tag,” Kirk told on Tuesday, “But the meaning behind it does seem like a victory. Not like I was just throwing a fit that somebody told me I couldn’t do something, it was the principle is what I was fighting for.” read more

6 Comments on State apologizes, lets Alabama man keep ‘Let’s go Brandon’ license plate

  1. “It began when a reporter misheard cheers of “F— Joe Biden” ”

    Nope, she didn’t mishear, it was clear as day, I even heard it, and ask my wife, I don’t hear anything.

    It began when she was told by the people in the truck what to say because they heard it as well, and they needed to protect pedo shits his pants.

    Fuck Joe Biden


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