State Attorneys General to Launch Big Tech Antitrust Investigation Monday – IOTW Report

State Attorneys General to Launch Big Tech Antitrust Investigation Monday


State attorneys general will launch one of the largest bipartisan, multi-state antitrust investigations into Facebook and Google on Monday.

State attorneys general spanning across dozens of states will announce an antitrust investigation into Google and Facebook, and other technology companies at the Supreme Court at 2:00 p.m. ET Monday.

The investigation will investigate whether America’s largest technology companies have stifled competition, restricted access, and harmed consumers. read more

7 Comments on State Attorneys General to Launch Big Tech Antitrust Investigation Monday

  1. Trump needs to begin making plans to imprison the executives of these companies.
    Lincoln did.
    And when a leftists says “but that was in a civil war!”, just say that googling “verge of civil war in america” will get over 8 million hits including virtually every major media source.

    Lincoln not only imprisoned the traitors, he ignored the supreme court telling him he couldn’t do it.

    We will never be safe in this country until all of these traitors are placed in prison.

  2. At a minimum it should result in Twitter and YouTube being declared publishers and losing their public forum protected status. Additionally, Google should be forced to divest YouTube.

  3. While (Google) and FaceBook may stand out let’s not forget IBM (Expedia) and MicroSoft (buy it and bury it practices). I suspect that having a deeper look into Twitter would also reveal some nasty surprises.
    I really hope that the States don’t chicken out.


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