State Department says it considered Burisma corrupt, but kept dealing with its reps anyways – IOTW Report

State Department says it considered Burisma corrupt, but kept dealing with its reps anyways

JTN: During Donald Trump’s first impeachment in 2019, State Department officials insisted they considered the Burisma Holdings energy firm in Ukraine that employed Hunter Biden to be corrupt and wanted nothing to do with it. But evidence that has emerged since shows U.S. embassy officials had extensive interactions with Burisma and its representatives between 2015 and 2018.

The evidence marks the latest evolution of a Democrat-driven narrative on the Bidens and Ukraine that was used to impeach Trump but that has since eroded under scrutiny.

Just the News recently published photos, obtained from the Burisma Holdings website and posts from the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, that show then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch meeting on multiple occasions with Burisma executive Vadim Pozharskyi, one of the colleagues who worked closely with Hunter Biden.

Yovanovitch, a key impeachment witness against Trump in 2019, also attended at least one other event with Joseph Cofer Black, a Burisma board member. These meetings show that on at least three occasions, the embassy participated in official events with Burisma despite its concerns about the company being corrupt and two reports of possible bribes it paid. more

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