State Department to conduct internal probe of Clinton email case – IOTW Report

State Department to conduct internal probe of Clinton email case

Reuters: The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it will conduct an internal review of whether Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her aides mishandled classified information, after the Justice Department declined to bring criminal charges.

The State Department said in April it had suspended plans for an internal review at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which conducted a yearlong probe of Clinton’s use of private email servers while she was secretary of state.

“Given the Department of Justice has now made its announcement, the State Department intends to conduct its internal review,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.  more


14 Comments on State Department to conduct internal probe of Clinton email case

  1. I just want to say FUCK YOU Hot Air site!!!!!!!
    You bunch of hypocritical assholes can eat shit and die! Take mike lee and the rest of the fucking Mormon freaks like Romney and shove them up your ass. Screw you Michelle Malkin you sold out !

  2. Yeah, like they’ll find anything. State has been a country unto itself for years now. If they don’t like government policy (they love Obama) they just foul up, stall, bury with paperwork and more or less ignore their masters. Having said that it’s pretty much the same up here in the great white north.

  3. Considering that they have until 2017 to release the rest of the emails, this ‘review’ should conclude sometime after the NATURAL death of the latest Clinton grandchild.

    Kirby, spit the shut ball out of your mouth. No sane person believes one word that comes out of your puppet controlled mouth. Talk about bitches!

  4. This buys a “I can’t comment on an open investigation ” card for all involved. It also allows silencing for the duration of the election, at least.
    For those interested, comet also let Clinton off, recommending no prosecution, when he investigated her in the whitewater fiasco. At that time, he stated she had obstructed the investigation and also destroyed evidence. Strange but true. Bing or google it to verify.

  5. Waste more time and money just so the State Dept can absolve itself of any responsibility or wrongdoing or complicity, and claim that Hillary is as pure as the driven snow. It’s all just a right wing conspiracy to keep Hillary from being the first female president.

  6. To what end? John “Kennedy wannabe” Kerry would not understand a word they told him about e-mail servers. He would be too busy trying to find his little girly pink bicycle.

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