State Dept: ‘Libya Has Become a Terrorist Safe Haven’ – IOTW Report

State Dept: ‘Libya Has Become a Terrorist Safe Haven’


The State Department’s latest report on global terrorism, released Wednesday, lists Libya as a terrorist safe-haven for the second year in a row.

“With a weak government possessing very few tools to exert control throughout its territory, Libya has become a terrorist safe haven and its transit routes are used by various terrorist groups, notably in the southwest and northeast,” says the 2013 Country Reports on Terrorism, released on Wednesday, April 30.

Three years ago, on March 19, 2011, President Obama unilaterally “authorized” the U.S. military to “begin a limited military action in Libya” to “protect Libyan civilians.” He said by intervening in Libya’s civil war, he was acting “in the interests of the United States and the world.”

The U.S. intervention helped rebels topple Libyan dictator Moammar Qadhafi, and they killed him in October 2011.

In its 2011 report on global terrorism, the State Department did not list Libya as a terrorist safe haven. But one year later, it did:



7 Comments on State Dept: ‘Libya Has Become a Terrorist Safe Haven’

  1. Gee did President Fuck-Up blow another foreign policy?

    Let’s see, we had Quaffafi(whatever) not only giving up his nuclear program but he was covertly working with our intelligence agencies.

    But noooo, the Shitstain-in-Chief just had to manufacture a crisis, remove our erstwhile ally, and allow the MB to take over.

    BRILLIANT! Absolutely fucking brilliant,

    He screwed the pooch so badly why you’d almost have to think mere incompetence wasn’t the reason.

    An added aspect is just WTF do you think any wavering terrorists might be thinking, hey step back and get a knife in the back from the US anyway-probably just what the military in Ukraine is thinking with Russia pouring over their borders after we promised, give up your weapons and nukes and we got your back.

    Fucking Obama is a GD disgrace

  2. U.S. Economists are terrorists. A net loss of 518k jobs, drops the UE to 6.3%. Celebration time for the people who make up the numbers, more pain for those that have to live with them.

  3. @eternal cracker p:

    U.S. Govt Economists are terrorists.

    Amen (although I added a little something to make explicit your implicit point).

    Perhaps we should take a page from the collectivist / progressive playbook and hijack a phrase for our own purposes: Voodoo Economics would include calling the phenomenon of willing workers simply giving up on job searching a “reduction in unemployment” and telling us that this is a good thing. (I’m reminded of the late John Vernon in The Outlaw Josey Wales saying, “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.”)

  4. US leftists have never approached foreign policy with the intent on strengthening or promoting the US. Their focal point has been social engineering. When the heat from the torches gets too hot, they’ll stick their toe in the water of foreign policy, but that turns the globe black from pollutants.

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