State Dept. to delay release of Clinton Foundation emails until late 2018 – IOTW Report

State Dept. to delay release of Clinton Foundation emails until late 2018

AmericanThinker– It’s hard to fathom the depth of corruption in Hillary Clinton’s State Department, largely because the documentation that would expose it is lost; deleted; or, as in the case of emails sent from Hillary Clinton aides to the Clinton Foundation and Taneo Corporation – a corporate partner – delayed.

Someone might want to ask Mrs. Clinton how it is that her top aides were sending 700 emails a month to the Foundation.  In a standard work week, that’s about 35 emails a day.  Didn’t these people have work to do?

The Justice Department has filed a brief on behalf of the State Department asking for more time to gather together the 34,000 emails sent from Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Fuchs, and Ambassador at Large Melanne Verveer to the Foundation over the course of Clinton’s tenure.  How much time?  DoJ picked a nice, round, number: 27 months.  more

12 Comments on State Dept. to delay release of Clinton Foundation emails until late 2018

  1. Dear DoJ:
    Tomorrow is late 2018.
    The Calendar

    Since you’re pretty much clueless about everything, I’d thought I’d let you know what time it is. It’s time to quit stalling.

  2. They should delay giving Hillary any medical care until 2018. Maybe withhold food and water until after the Election in November. Do America a huge favor.

  3. the IRS
    the EPA
    the State Department
    the Education Department
    the Dept of Energy
    the Dept of Defense (?)

    these will need to be shut down and dispersed

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