State Dept. under fire for delaying release of Hillary Clinton’s records – IOTW Report

State Dept. under fire for delaying release of Hillary Clinton’s records

BI […] “We’re now reaching a point where there’s mounting frustration that this is a project where the State Department may be running out the clock,” said U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon.

The judge said he was considering imposing penalties on the agency if it failed to meet the next set of deadlines he orders. Leon wondered aloud at one point whether he might impose penalties for again failing to deliver records on time. He mused about “a fine on a daily basis” or “incarceration.”

“I can’t send the marshals, obviously, out to bring in the documents, at least they wouldn’t know where to go, probably,” Leon said.  more

7 Comments on State Dept. under fire for delaying release of Hillary Clinton’s records

  1. If Clinton is blameless and won’t be prosecuted, why not release EVERY email right away and unredacted? There can’t be anything sensitive or secret in them, now can there? What are you trying to hide?

  2. Phuzzy Logick,
    Must agree.
    If there’s no there, there, then what’s the problem with full disclosure?

    We could all get an education about yoga and wedding planning …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Dept. of State is as corrupt as every other agency in obama’s administration…. now we see even the FBI.

    If they can cover-up hillary’s breach of National Security and top secret communications, do you honestly believe they’ll find any fault for pay to play politics, awarding contracts to contributors and her illegal scam foundation fund raising activities?

    Truth, Honor and the American way has been strangled.

  4. Hillary WILL be “elected” pResident. The fix is definitely in. They tested whether they could get away with it and indeed they can. If anyone believes there won’t be 110% turnout and a huge landslide “proving” she has a “mandate”, then I’ll have some beets to sell you when we both reach the gulag/FEMA camp.

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