State Farm Exec Apologizes to Angry Agents, Says ‘We Made a Mistake With Our Involvement’ With GenderCool – IOTW Report

State Farm Exec Apologizes to Angry Agents, Says ‘We Made a Mistake With Our Involvement’ With GenderCool

State Farm agents across the country fielded angry phone calls on Monday from customers who were either threatening to cancel their policies or who flat-out canceled them after hearing news that the company had partnered with The GenderCool Project to donate books regarding transgenderism and gender fluidity to schools in order to “increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, empowering, and important conversations with children Age 5+.” more

18 Comments on State Farm Exec Apologizes to Angry Agents, Says ‘We Made a Mistake With Our Involvement’ With GenderCool

  1. The only way something can be dealt with, is to root out and fire the people at the top that allowed it to happen in the first place. And that ain’t about to happen.

  2. “oops I made a mistake” doesn’t make a bit of difference. Someone thought it was a good idea, and someone above them signed off on it.

    Apologies don’t cut it. Sorry for the generational agents losing their ass. Maybe it’s time to learn to code.

  3. “Sorry” don’t feed the bulldog.
    These “woke” companies need to learn ONE THING!
    “Stay in your lane!”

    If you have any questions about what that means, ask any Army grunt or REMF.
    They’ll be MORE then happy to tell you what it means, and in NO uncertain terms. To your face.

  4. How much are these fucking companies overcharging to have the got dayum funds to donate anything at anytime?? Reduce the fucking fees if you have “play” money.

  5. Shows what only .0667% of your philanthropic budget can do for you…

    40K of sixty Million…

    Talk to an agent and they might give you better definition and explanation (excuses?)…

  6. Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnd itz a nuther well thought out decision… NOT!

    Unless they have Masters degrees in Stupidity (God knows, that could be real these days) you’d think that well paid executives would think things through before pulling the pin on that hand grenade, especially when there are plenty of examples out there with red flags all over them to learn from! Whoever made this decision and those who agreed that it was a good idea should be fired immediately!

  7. Too late State Farm, as of yesterday afternoon i kicked your ass to the curb and liberty mutual’s got things covered now!
    Action, action, action!
    Take action, correct the bad choices you made in the past.
    They aren’t deserving of us as a customers.


    Fuck Disney
    And ATT/Warner too.

  8. ^^^
    Liberty Mutual sux – slow, slow, slow to pay a claim I currently have. In 45 years with State Farm never an issue. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. Having run organizations, I know how easy it is for an employee to get out ahead of policy and you have to reel it back in. Looks like somebody effed up and they are trying to fix it.


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