State lawmaker denied Holy Communion after voting in favor of pro-abortion bill – IOTW Report

State lawmaker denied Holy Communion after voting in favor of pro-abortion bill

The excuse: The New Mexico state senator says he didn’t vote in favor of a pro-abortion bill to “advocate abortion”

9 Comments on State lawmaker denied Holy Communion after voting in favor of pro-abortion bill

  1. I’m actually kind of surprised. I thought today’s Catholic church was kinda down with this sort of thing. (Or at least willing to look the other way on occasion…)

  2. …it’s the DUTY of a Pastor to withhold Communion from any of his flock that he knows is astray, to keep him from hurting HIMSELF.

    Nor MY words. God’s.

    “27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

    28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

    29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.

    30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.”
    1 Corinthians 11:27-30

    …I don’t know who people who do the devil’s work think they’re impressing by taking Communion on Sunday, because God is not impressed, and God will not be mocked…

    “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
    Galatians 6:7

    Don’t murder the children the Lord creates in the womb and then hold out your bloody hand for a Communion wafer. It just degrades everyone because we ALL know the blood is there, no one more so than the Lord…

  3. His argument is totally backwards, no one is imprisoning women for giving birth. He seems to think in order to be free, women need to have an abortion. What an asshat. No wonder democrats are such criminals. What, does he think his mother has been in jail since giving birth to his dumb ass? Maybe she should be, FFS.

  4. “The New Mexico state senator says he didn’t vote in favor of a pro-abortion bill to “advocate abortion.””

    According to Jung, the results of your behavior are the best indication of your true motivation!

    As a demoncrat he supports (i.e. does not oppose) the murder of innocent children, and belongs to a party that has openly rejected even the mention of God in its platform, a party that approves and endorses nearly every form of perversion and deviance know to man!

    Sadly, although he pretends he is a devout Christian, the only one he’s fooling is himself!

  5. Good! It’s about time the Church started holding these fake Catholics to account! Next they should deny Holy Communion to Xho Bai’den!

    Rebuking them and shaming them publicly could be their first step towards realizing they have rejected our Lord and the first step on the road to Penance and reconciliation with the Church.

  6. It’s an abomination to God to symbolically receive his blood, then turn around and take part in killing another human being. I dunno why the church is so two-faced about abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage. I won’t step foot into any church, what I’ve seen and heard, the Bible says “Come out her my people,” and I did. I can only answer for myself, we’ve been given the guideline on how to conduct ourselves.

  7. @Gregman: “Rebuking them and shaming them publicly could be their first step towards realizing they have rejected our Lord and the first step on the road to Penance and reconciliation with the Church.”

    They don’t believe they have rejected God or else they wouldn’t be voting the way that they do. I think they’re going to be held to a higher standard than the rest of us. As for the Catholic Church, they have lost a lot of their power over the last 100 years. Their pedophilia, homosexuality, abortion is about as bad as it can get. This is where they have lost their power and flock.

    Rebuking and shaming doesn’t work – at least it doesn’t work on me.


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