State of Delusion: Democrats Privately Panic Following Transcript, Impeachment Fallout – IOTW Report

State of Delusion: Democrats Privately Panic Following Transcript, Impeachment Fallout

Democrats and Republicans demonstrated starkly different reactions following the release of the unredacted transcript of President Trump’s conversation with the president of Ukraine.

Many congressional Democrats publicly declared it the “smoking gun,” while Republicans dismissed their cries by noting the absence of quid pro quo or generally lawless behavior.

However, Democrats are striking a drastically different tone privately, as several reports indicate. read more

8 Comments on State of Delusion: Democrats Privately Panic Following Transcript, Impeachment Fallout

  1. I hope all the dems need to start wearing brown suits, just in case, to be ready for having the ah, ah, stuffings scared out of them when their next crooked scheme backfires again – thereby revealing their deeper corruption.

  2. …from the article…

    ‘“If you’re going to take a shot at the king, you best not miss,” one House Democrat leadership aide told Breitbart News.’

    …this USED to be true, and SHOULD be now, but the Democrats have taken SEVERAL shots at the king, ALL have missed, and they are just permitted to keep pensions, jobs, lives, EVERYTHING, including SECURITY CLEARANCES, and to take their time and line up the NEXT shot, while “Republicans” harrumph and hold the spotter scope for them. It’s just a good thing they don’t have the math skills for the ballistics…

    …There SHOULD be consequences, and SHOULD have been ALREADY. These consequences SHOULD have been HANGINGS already. The fact that there have NOT been, is why this goes ON, and ON, and ON, and ON…

    N.B. to Democrats – If you ever DID “succeed” in removing or harming the President, it would be the beginning of the WORST day of your LIFE, and maybe the SHORTEST and most TERRIFYING one too, just sayin’…

  3. I’ve wondered if someone in Trumps camp is the whistleblower in order to get the Biden story out and to get media on it to get him out of race. But to also destroy the democrat party. Because the democrats always talk their whistleblowers into coming out from under their rock, like Ballsy Ford, she wanted to stay anonymous. Trump is pretty shrewd it could be something like this. …. my mind is working overtime, lol


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