State of Florida rejects 41% of submitted math textbooks on the basis that they contain CRT, Common Core – IOTW Report

State of Florida rejects 41% of submitted math textbooks on the basis that they contain CRT, Common Core


The State of Florida made waves this weekend by announcing that 54 out of a total of 132 textbooks submitted to the Department of Education for use in public schools were rejected because they were either “impermissible with either Florida’s new standards or contained prohibited topics.” The release noted that the 41 percent rejection rate was the highest in Florida history.

The Department stated, “Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics.”

The announcement also stated that the problem was worst in materials that were submitted for grades K-5, “where an alarming 71 percent were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies.” The department noted that, although it was forced to reject so many textbooks, “every core mathematics course and grade is covered with at least one textbook.”


5 Comments on State of Florida rejects 41% of submitted math textbooks on the basis that they contain CRT, Common Core

  1. Math typically doesn’t change much from year-to-year. Algebra today isn’t any different from algebra 100 years ago, and the same for trig, geometry, and calculus. Use the old books — the ones before they became infested with social engineering bullshit — until a proper publisher can be found or created from scratch.

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