American Thinker: The mainstream media are doing their best to ignore a story that contradicts their partisan narrative about civil rights. In this case, the deep blue city of Austin, Texas has been fined $9,000 by a judge for infringing the civil rights of an African-American. And the champion of said victim was the deep red State of Texas attorney general.
What makes the story all the more delicious for conservatives is the civil right in question: the Second Amendment. Ryan Autullo reports in the Austin American-Statesman:
A Travis County judge has ruled that the city of Austin violated state open carry gun laws when it blocked a licensed firearms and concealed-carry holder, Michael Cargill, from entering City Hall with a handgun on multiple days in 2016. (See Austin American-Statesman article, here.) The case was brought against Austin by the Attorney General’s office as a result of a complaint from Cargill, a gun shop owner. MORE
…democrats have NEVER allowed their slaves to carry guns around Massa, why would they start NOW?
Wah, wah, wah, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
If God were to give Texas an enema, he would stick the hose in Austin.
Can’t trust dem dam niggrahs with firearms.
Git all uppity, an shit.
Nex thang y’know d’ell be wantin to drink outta public fountains and keep d’ere seats on da bus!
izlamo delenda est …
…$9000? Well, that’s their Brie budget for the month…guess they’ll have to raise taxes, wouldn’t want them without an accompaniment for the wine at those grueling executive sessions…
Where ares da white women? Plenty of sluts and dykes in Austin.
Highly doubtful an enema would do the trick…problem is too far embedded in its pathological progression. He most likely would apply a more radically invasive procedure than even laparoscopic surgery.