State Official Faces Lawsuit From GOP Over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Registration – IOTW Report

State Official Faces Lawsuit From GOP Over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Registration

This is going to get ugly. (YAY!!!)

The Republican National Committee (RNC) slapped Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguliar with a lawsuit on Friday, alleging that the state has “impossibly high” voter registration rolls. more

8 Comments on State Official Faces Lawsuit From GOP Over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Registration

  1. No, It’s going to get bloody. This asshole just tried to disfranchise conservative voters. What’s the penalty?
    I’m telling you, these assholes are going to pay a heavy price.

  2. Just one state? There’s a lot more blue states that will likely fit the bill.

    However, maybe the first dominoe?

    Not holdin my breath. I’d laugh if it didn’t make me sick to my stomach…

  3. Thank God for PDJT and Vivek for booting that corrupt piece of shit Ronna Romney McDaniel out as failure-in-chief of the GOP. Seven fucking years of that corrupt moron. Seven years!


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