State Officials Ask Congress for Evidence About Fauci’s Actions That Could Support Prosecution – IOTW Report

State Officials Ask Congress for Evidence About Fauci’s Actions That Could Support Prosecution

WND: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the front man for Joe Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, in which the China virus likely escaped from a lab working on dangerous diseases and killed millions worldwide, was handed a pardon from federal charges for his actions by Joe Biden.

But he still theoretically could face state charges, and now a coalition of attorneys general is asking Congress whether members can share evidence of those violations.

Fauci used to lead the National institute of for Allergy and Infectious Disease, and was paid an extraordinarily high salary for a government worker. He’s now retired and his pension is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

He recently was involved in a scandal for the tens of millions of dollars taxpayers paid for his “security” even after he was a private citizen and not on the government payroll.

report from the Washington Examiner said 17 state attorneys general now have asked Republican congressional leaders for information on the COVID-19 origins, and more. more

9 Comments on State Officials Ask Congress for Evidence About Fauci’s Actions That Could Support Prosecution

  1. “State Officials Ask Congress for Evidence About Fauci’s Actions That Could Support Prosecution”

    …you spelled “Execution” wrong there, see the Nurenberg Code for further details…

  2. I sure hope this is not your typical GOP head-fake, ya know, where GOP politicians feign moral outrage over anything at all they perceive as an injustice, then after calling out publicly the injustice, outline specific steps they will take to address it (beyond a sternly worded letter) because they are after all the party of law and order.

    One casualty, among many, of the Biden gangster administration was the rule of law and the notion that bad guys should get what’s coming to them. Holding actual lawbreakers within that administration accountable and demanding retribution would go a long way in showing the people they made the right choice to lead the country.

  3. Rich Taylor
    Thursday, 6 February 2025, 11:25 at 11:25 am
    “I sure hope this is not your typical GOP head-fake…”

    …the Trump admin worries me here because he refuses to denounce the vaxxx. He even used it as a positive example in another context the other day and apparently has even RFK moderating his tone about it.

    The “m” in mRNA stands for murderer.

    Its purveyors need to be treated as such.

    One way.

    Or another.

  4. How much did US States and other counties spend trying to help lives that Fauci’s Germ Warfare bug damaged or killed when he released it as a test or murders??? And the damage is still on going.


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