State Officials Want Trump To Reverse Obama’s Last-Minute Election Power Grab – IOTW Report

State Officials Want Trump To Reverse Obama’s Last-Minute Election Power Grab

Daily Caller:

State officials across the nation are fighting former President Barack Obama’s last-minute decision to impose federal authority over state-run election systems, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), which includes officials from all 50 states and U.S. territories, appealed to President Donald Trump in a resolution approved Saturday at the group’s winter meeting to overturn the Obama policy, but doing so may encounter unexpected resistance from the new administration.

Obama ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Jan. 6, 2017, to classify local and state election systems under the new federal designation of “critical infrastructure.”


20 Comments on State Officials Want Trump To Reverse Obama’s Last-Minute Election Power Grab

  1. I am generally not in favor of the Feds adding to their power but how about a regulation that ALL voters must show ID? Or that the requirements to register to vote are equal to the requirements to register a firearm?

  2. Didn’t Soros have an organization trying to co-opt all the Secretary’s of state? This could be a double edged sword. Politicians at any level only ask for more power.

  3. @3 lb. hammer…

    Remember Obama’s DHS hacked the Georgia SOS computer system just after the election, after Secretary Kemp had refused federal help against “Russian hacking”. Co-opting the State SOS systems has become a long-term goal of the Dems.

    The looseness of our election system no longer favors them as it once did, and the control which is coming to the system via Voter ID will be in the hands of the States’ SOS. That is unacceptable to the fed leviathan.

  4. I would not mind a release of fed oversight if the following conditions are met by the states.
    Voter photo ID required.
    Paper ballots to be used. Scanning for compilations OK for first count. hand count for recounts.
    Any illegal alien voting would void the entire precinct.
    Jail time and fines for any illegal alien voting.
    All ballots must be in to the election judges Asap. Cutoff times for turn ins would eliminate ballots found in some dumbasses trunk four days after the election.
    any more good suggestions?

  5. @moochoman
    Not sure about the idea of one illegal vote disqualifying an entire precinct. What if a secret op was devised to make sure that one illegal vote was to happen in every republican majority precinct?

    I’m with you in spirit but that’s some tricky business

  6. Voting laws are states rights. I can imagine federal election control in the hands of someone like Obama or Hillary. The control must be spread around by the states. The feds have no standing to dictate against voter ID, but they did step into Michigan and stop a legal state law.

    Federal take over of voting rights should scare you, since when can a Big Daddy Fed Gov takeover of any states’ power be trusted?

  7. @oolook February 20, 2017 at 10:07 am

    I’d agree with all elections, except the Presidential. How Maine selects who they’ll send to the Senate, is Maine’s affair. How Hawaii selects who they’ll call Governor, is Hawaii’s affair. But when Maine has to accept Hawaii’s votes for the exact same Presidential candidates, then they should have reason, not just hope, that the voting is conducted in the same way.

  8. Don’t make the same mistake the democrats did. Any law or regulation that centralizes power from states to the feds can be used by corrupt democrats if they get back in federal power to marginalize the GOP. That’s why Obama tried to put state elections under the DHS. He wanted to use the DHS to nullify elections that went against democrats. Probably smarter to concede that a certain number of states will always be under the control of crooked democrat scumbags and let them wallow in their own corruption without giving them the opportunity to fo national with that shit.

  9. @Thirdtwin
    I think having the states in charge is the best option. I am just saying we need to watch our state level politicians also. If they show signs of Soros infection? Make sure they are booted out next election.

  10. “are equal to the requirements to register a firearm?”

    Where the fuck you live? MOVE!

    I have no idea of any place that registers firearms. No one I know has to register one, either. There is also no National firearm registry.

    But, I need to be registered to vote in my state, though.

    So, I don’t think your point is really there. It’s the opposite around here.

    Maybe if you said “Require a background check like guns and you must be felony-free citizen” then yeah, I’d agree.

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