State sued for forcing students to pray to the Aztec gods of human sacrifice – IOTW Report

State sued for forcing students to pray to the Aztec gods of human sacrifice

WND: A lawsuit has been filed against the state of California accusing officials there of requiring students to pray to Aztec gods of human sacrifice, an action that takes teachers there far beyond the allowable limits of educating students.

CBN has reported the lawsuit outlines how the state’s “Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum” requires “Affirmations, Chants, and Energizers,” which addresses deities both by name and title.

It also acknowledges them as “sources of power and knowledge, invokes their assistance, and gives thanks,” the lawsuit said.

That, essentially, is a “state-mandated prayer,” the case claims. more

h/t NAAC.

25 Comments on State sued for forcing students to pray to the Aztec gods of human sacrifice

  1. Funny how democrat mothefuckers think the separation clause only matters when the religion is Christianity. Face it. These satanic assholes have a bug up their ass about Christianity. They’d be fine with kids sacrificing goats to Mammon in morning home room provided they didn’t specifically pray to Jesus Christ. Every other “religion” is perfectly fine. Just not Christianity.

  2. When some woke activist realized that not only did the Aztecs ritually sacrifice children via torture (the more tears the more rain was expected in the spring) BUT also the Aztecs were notorious butt pirates. That is a twofer- pray to the pro-late term abortionist gods who are gay or get an F.

  3. It truly is evil vs good.

    The Satanic Temple is going after Texas saying they’re violating their religion because abortion is their child sacrifice.

    The only reason they use our 1st amendment against us is because we have stupid and/or evil judges. Any sane person that is not evil knows damn good and well our founding fathers didn’t intend for it to be about Muslims, Hindus and they sure as hell didn’t mean for it to be about Satan worshippers.

  4. How about the Church of Satan, thats all kinda upset about the abortion bill in Texas that the SCOTUS refused to hear? 🤔

    Confirms what we’ve known all along, the Commie Democrats are in bed with SATAN.

  5. My family survived, barely, the California Department of Education back in the nineties when they invoked their “Zero Tolerance Policy”. AKA, raise boys like girls. I have two sons. Both extremely athletic A type yada yada. The youngest one thinks ahead and considers the ramifications of his actions. The oldest is pedal to the metal never lift. Dang my wife and I spent a lot of time meeting with one of the 9 vice principles in a middle school. My high school back in the early 70’s had one principle and one vice principle. Four times the student body. What a racket. Anyway there’s a kid that transfer from COMPTON up here to upper middle class white America. My sons schooling him in basket ball. So right away the hatred develops. One day after school, off school property, the Compton kid takes a half assed swing at my son. My son did the old left jab, retract, apply right hand in the same spot. Bap. The Compton kid starts digging around in his shoe and come up with a little pen knife. My son took the knife away from him and went to work. The Compton kid was sent to another school. OK, that’s cool. My kid got expelled for two weeks. I’m freaken pissed. So we meet with the Principle, two Vice Principles and the Dean of latrine cleanliness. It was not a good meeting. One of the Vice Principles says to me, your kid had a choice. WTF? So I ask him what choice do you think he had. Answer, he could have run. I fucking went off. I had my finger right in his face. “Run, are you fucking kidding me? Would you have run? Yes you would have run you little faggot”. My wife dragged me out. We sat in my truck for about five minutes. Drove home and laughed all the way. I can tell you that episodes like that affect your kids very negatively. If you have the means, get you kids or grand kids into a private school.

  6. Apologies that this will be graphic.

    Long ago I heard a report that satanists pretending to be Christians would molest children and, during the rape, would tell the kids that it was Jesus f*ing them. I wonder if sometimes that’s part of the reason so many people grow up with such an acidic hatred against Christ while (often) being completely ignorant of even basic Bible doctrine…they were violently conditioned and programmed via rape to hate even the mention of His name.

  7. My very first month of Kindergarten, my teacher (a middle-aged fairly-chunky Hispanic woman, as I recall) gave us all a paper to color, and told us is was the United States flag. Got home and showed it my grandmother, and she hit the roof. I (and every kid in class) had colored in a picture of the Mexican flag. We never saw that teacher again.

  8. At the height of the U.S. Baby Boom there were 36 – 40 students per classroom, on average. With well-ordered, disciplined classrooms, most of us graduated H.S. If you didn’t, it’s because you dropped out. The majority of us could figure out change for a dollar, or ten dollars, without the aid of an electronic cash register. If we wanted to buy something, most of us figured out how to mow lawns, deliver newspapers, and babysit. By the time we got our work permit, we moved up to a regular part-time job which ususally included Saturdays. Most of us turned out to become productive, generally happy, and peace-keeping citizens who mind our own business. On Sunday we learned that God is love, that Jesus “loves me, this I know”, and that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. And we managed to do all of that without taking an “Ethnic Studies” course featuring satanic worship and chanting.

    What the Hell is next with these people? I’m grateful they didn’t have a practical in this unit.

  9. I have it on good authority that the Rapture is slated for tomorrow, September 7, 2021.

    Okay, the authority is a guy somewhere in northern Europe who drives a garbage truck and wears an ill-fitting baseball cap. But who knows, right?

  10. AA
    Don’t forget having parents that you were more afraid of than any Teacher or Police.
    Having a general respect for everybody and everything, is something learned at home.
    If they haven’t learned it before they get to school, chances are they won’t ever learn. Parent that blame the Police or Teachers for their children’s behavior should be charged with the children.
    One simple phrase – Do unto others…….

    Also we are no where near the Rapture, because there hasn’t been near enough suffering. Although they are working on it.

  11. “Don’t forget having parents that you were more afraid of than any Teacher or Police.”

    We attempted to raise our boys thinking we were the ultimate source of wisdom. I never considered trying to be the nightmare that kept them up at night.
    Pops told me one time, probably when I was crying om his shoulder about kids,”You know the problem with being a parent? You only get one shot at it”. I believe he was laughing when he said that.

  12. @ TheMule SEPTEMBER 6, 2021 AT 8:08 PM

    I’m going to state as an unequivocal fact that every time a prog has made claim to to being an atheist or agnostic they were in fact a Satanist. One thing that is somewhat comforting is that I no longer get pushback like I used to when I shared that observation with others.

  13. “Also we are no where near the Rapture, because there hasn’t been near enough suffering.”

    False. That is not a condition for the return of Christ for his Body of believers.

    Read 2 Tim 3 if you want to know what the professing church will look like when He comes for His own (spoiler: it looks like NOW).

  14. The left especially the sexually perverted ones hate true Christianity because it teaches them they are sinners and need to repent and trust in Christ. They feel conviction from Christianity unlike other religions which are empty rituals and self discipline cults. Christianity brings the truth, obedience to faith and life, and heaven or disobedience with death and hell. They do all they can to believe there is no hell no eternal punishment for their rejection of truth so they can live with themselves as free of guilt as possible but they will find out sadly how much God loved them,how easily they could have come to Him and how happy He would have made them.
    They prefer to believe there is nothing after this life we die and there is nothing.

  15. I got public education in California, this crap must have started well after my own children got through their education here, and I don’t ever recall praying to any Aztec Gods. As a matter of fact, we had a minute of silence every morning at school. This was right after prayer was no longer allowed in public schools. I wonder how the atheists are handling the praying to an Aztec God in public schools. We’re going down as a society – but we already knew this a long time ago.

  16. @Not Me: “They prefer to believe there is nothing after this life we die and there is nothing.”

    That is IMHO the ultimate separation from God, that there’s nothing after we die, but there is something before we die…choice. I accept God’s grace and there’s nothing I have to do but believe. Belief, we make decisions all day based on what we believe is true, sometimes we choose wrong, but God is gracious enough to forgive us and move on. I don’t know why a free gift is so hard to take for some.


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