State Supreme Court tosses recall effort against Mayor Jenny Durkan – IOTW Report

State Supreme Court tosses recall effort against Mayor Jenny Durkan

KATU: SEATTLE — The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday reversed a lower court’s ruling allowing a recall effort against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan to proceed, saying the arguments to remove the city’s chief executive over police force were “factually and legally insufficient.”

The state Supreme Court had agreed to hear Durkan’s appeal, but decided that there would be no oral arguments. Both sides had to submit all filings and arguments by Sept. 22, and the court decided to discuss the case in private on Thursday.

The high court did not elaborate on its ruling but indicated that it may issue a more detailed opinion later. more

11 Comments on State Supreme Court tosses recall effort against Mayor Jenny Durkan

  1. Not. Sufficient.

    Oregonians need to remember their actions when the time comes for them to start asking for the rest of the states to repair their self-inflicted damage.

    As Oberst Klink used to say, “Request denied!”

    Enjoy your Dresdenhood.

  2. The American Judicial system is the most influential and powerful branch of government since many of their members are appointed for life. Politicians come and go, but Judges influence for generations. They have the final say (most of the time) on the law.

    Our foreign and domestic enemies know this, and are working to corrupt this system with activist.

    This is why we get judgements like this.

  3. Follow the links. The recall effort was because “The recall effort, led by six Seattle residents, blames Durkan for Seattle Police’s broad use of tear gas in early June”. The recall seems to be due to the use of tear gas, and the recallers thought it was used too much. Dummies. She’s not being recalled for too little law-and-order, she’s being recalled because she wasn’t permissive enough. No wonder Seattle is such a hellhole.

  4. If I remember right this effort to recall Durkan was organized by people affiliated with CHOP and the various protest/riot groups because they were butthurt that Mayor Jenny vetoed the Seattle City Council’s first attempt at defunding the police. If it had been from legitimate voters instead of community organizers it might have passed review.


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