Statement From Second City Cop – IOTW Report

Statement From Second City Cop

Hey Jackass!:

Well, this was certainly a long time coming. Fifteen years, over 22,000 posts, almost two million comments and God knows how many attempts to silence us. But it might finally be over…at least this version of it.

Over the weekend, we received information from a contact at Google that internal chat/e-mails led them to believe that certain precautions we had taken over the years had been breached by Google. We had gotten similar warnings from others in the past, and we dealt with or ignored them as the situation warranted. But this one was different.

And this one – on the heels of Big Tech’s wholesale attack on the President, Parler and center-right to right-leaning authors, politicians and voices – pointed to a countdown that had far less time than we had thought. Most likely, far less time than you think, too. The blacklisting has begun, even if you won’t see it. You should – the wholesale abandonment of the President, the denunciations, the, “I wasn’t really with him” self-serving statements. Sound familiar? It should…if you have any recollections of the show trials behind the Iron Curtain, in Southeast Asia, in assorted Middle East kleptocracies.

Disavowal and re-education is on tap. What Senator McCarthy is remembered for – “Are you now or have you ever been…” has been twisted, refined (Bake that cake!), and exacerbated (Parler is only the first of many). They don’t want “unity.” They want Compliance and as the last fifteen years have shown, we aren’t really good at compliance. The amount of personal data available to “woke companies” who would deny commerce or service based on beliefs, contributions, investments (not Green enough!), social media posting, employment (cops not welcome here), bumper stickers – Have you heard of Operation Choke Point? Look it up and imagine it drilled down to individual citizens. Orwell’s 1984? It’s here.

In closing, we’d just like to thank a few people:

24 Comments on Statement From Second City Cop

  1. Thank you for posting this. Anyone associated with that blog are hero’s, uniformed or not.
    I was shocked on Saturday, when it went black, hopefully will be back in safer waters.

  2. I’d heard of HJA before, but never visited it ’til now, and I can see why the regressives would want it shut down. Can’t have the truth getting out, now, can we? I’d imagine if sites like this weren’t already on a list, they will be soon…

  3. Individual servers,browsers, will be here before you know it. What’s the old saying, necessity breeds creativity. We have smart folks on our side, this need is the equivalent to a vaccine. This is the real fucking pandemic free speech is dying!
    Lay low amd wait it out, but mostly be HAPPY! Every wasted moment on stress is the death of time we cannot get back. Patience Its all we got for now.
    Something’s coming my gut says watch Elon Musk, crazy bastard… Hes got what trumps got intuition and a desire for freedom..

  4. While we have time on our hands, just for s&g’s research servers, what they mean what they are for, how to make ( too expensive and complex)and how to use one, even its history. They my friends are the mass weapon of today.
    It is interesting.
    Educate yourselves KNOWLEDGE is power!

  5. I’m going to start a Go Fund Me page for a new vaccine.
    I’m going to call it the Pinocchio Vaccine, all politicians will be required to take it.
    Pelosi will have to carry her nose in a wheel barrow.

  6. I’m not a smart person BUT….IF/When the commie democrats get into the White House….The Shit Will Hit The Fan at an unprecedented rate of speed.

    Our chance to quell their nefarious, Satanic implementation of power over the United States…indeed, the entire world….will be limited.

    Time will be of the essence.
    Don’t look back….look forward ONLY.

  7. Annihilation of liberalism is the surest, most effective method of securing and maintaining a peaceful and prosperous America.

    For someone to approach you, or at a distance, demand your silence of speech or your relinquishment of self-protection is NO different than kidnapping which is a total apprehension of your liberties.

    The proper response is a bullet through their head with a high powered weapon….It tends to quell the situation and greatly reduces the recidivism.

  8. Google has been one-at-a-time disappearing right leaning sites for more than a decade.

    Now they’re doing it wholesale. And if you don’t think they are tracking your movements to profile you. Log every post, every comment, every search – you are wrong.

    They have bots who crawl all over every single website. They are probably the largest violators of copyright infringement in history and are given a pass.

    This is why anonymity has always been so important. It’s not enough but it’s a defense against what was always going to come.

    I miss the Wild West days of the 1990s and early 2000s.

  9. Wonder what, if any part, the Liberal promoted NET Neutrality played in this…

    ….the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet communications equally, and not discriminate or charge differently based on user, content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, source address, destination address,

  10. Michael Malice has been sounding the alarm for years. The only way out of this is secession.

    Our biggest challenge…they control 21st century technology/communications…we’re living circa carrier pigeon…someone’s gonna have to build an internet and that takes time/money. The financial sector has planned for this as well, and it doesn’t include us.
    Underground Railroad?

  11. Look up to what happened to Kurt Schlichter, he just had his insurance cancelled.
    I had mentioned a couple months ago that if you want a bank loan they first check your social media. All Trump supporters stand to have this happen. Home and auto loans, even bank accounts are at risk. If you’re not aware of this going on you will be soon.

  12. Trump put so much light on what the Dirty Dems have become, commies, they figure now is the time to go for it.
    No more small chips at freedom. Now it’s all at once. They have tech, Hollywood, media, bought and paid for politicians…
    The controlla virus is their not to be wasted crisis.

  13. Gin: I think that was Curt Schilling the baseball player, not Kurt Schlicter the columnist who ties too many cutesy bon mots together between generally insightful commentary.

    But yes, the Chicom social credit system is here through corporations run by a revolving door of Commiecrat board members. Out of government today, board member of big company tomorrow, back in government after next election.

    These incestuous back and forths have corporations identifying as government agencies.

    Think ValJar doesn’t know where Lyft takes you or Netflix doesn’t share your user data with Mooch? She said permaban people on January 6 and by January 8 there was blood on the floor across two dozen platforms.

    Now come the insurance companies, the banks and the other deep pocketed chamber of commerce traitors who want the benefit of our laws without the hassle of our freedom.

  14. Fasten you seatbelts it’s going to be a rocky road for at least 2 years most likely 4 then they’ll try to steal the election all over again!

    Who will emerge and stand as “the” voice of the forgotten, the middle class, the deplorable?


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