States File Suit Against US Postal Service Over New Mail Truck Fleet – IOTW Report

States File Suit Against US Postal Service Over New Mail Truck Fleet

CA Globe:

A lawsuit against the United States Postal Service over the environmental issues from their Next Generation Delivery Vehicle Acquisition program over the next several decades was filed by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, in conjunction with 15 other states on Wednesday, potentially halting the USPS from changing out it’s current fleet of mail trucks over the next decade.

The controversy dates back to February 2021. The USPS, needing new trucks to swap out with their current aging fleet of mail trucks, awarded a 10-year contract to Oshkosh Defense worth billions to produce up to 165,000 new mail delivery vehicles over the next decade. In addition to more cargo capacity and a better environmental design, despite the majority still being gas powered, the vehicles would also include heating, air-conditioning, as well as more technological improvements. Overall, it would constitute the largest USPS fleet changes made in 30 years.

“Our fleet modernization also reflects the Postal Service’s commitment to a more environmentally sustainable mix of vehicles,” Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said last year. “Because we operate one of the largest civilian government fleets in the world, we are committed to pursuing near-term and long-term opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment.”

However, the new vehicles faced an immediate negative reaction. In addition to charges against the design being “ugly” and why they were awarded to Oshkosh, governmental and environmental groups quickly called out the vehicles for being mostly not electric and barely improving upon the older vehicles. Some groups even accused the USPS of putting the comfort of drivers over sound logistical sense. more

25 Comments on States File Suit Against US Postal Service Over New Mail Truck Fleet

  1. Why? If the USPS is like Canada Post, they will most likely be out of business within the next 10-20 years. Canada Post last threatened strike action in 2016. I had been paying my bills on-line and receiving same via email. The company I worked for (and others) all requested that their suppliers submit invoices via email and submit their bank information for payment by wire transfer. The only stuff I receive is now junk mail and the occasional notice from the city. Sometimes, a friend in Toronto sends me a package of information. I do not even subscribe to magazines (glance through them at the library – a bunch of nothing). Canada Post basically delivers packages for Amazon now. Is it the same in the United States?

  2. Time to stop mail delivery to California, they can pick up there mail in Nevada. Other states in the suit are marginally D’s and their state attorneys are the ones pushing this crap. I’m sure Maine or Michigan in the winter would have some real issues delivering mail in rural areas with electric vehicles.

  3. Uncle Al
    APRIL 29, 2022 AT 11:32 AM
    “I don’t think the new truck looks ugly, but rather it looks cartoonish. Add a grinning grill and it could be a Saturday morning kids’ show star.”

    …yes. “Hey boys and mostly girls, it’s The Gropey Joe Pedo Grooming Hour!”

    …THAT’S who it would look like.

  4. What’s really happening? Well, the insider information Attorney General Rob Bonta acted upon isn’t working out very well for him and his buddies. Now he isn’t going to make quite as much “ill gotten gains,” and will sue and throw a tantrum until his insider information pays off as intended. Most likely coming from the top from Pelosi.

  5. Buy Oshkosh, by gosh, ‘Oshkosh Defense.’

    “Some groups even accused the USPS of putting the comfort of drivers over sound logistical sense.”

    Will they be armored? Armed? How about equipped with war chalking hardware to snoop on Americans? These could be the main logistical issues of the next 10 years.

  6. Here in Michigan, I would appreciate just having my mail delivered on time and to the correct address.I don’t give a rat’s ass what the truck looks like. It’s not as if they are competing in the Detroit Auto Show for being the most fashionable vehicle on our street.
    The only reason our subdivision has gotten to know each other, is that we meet at the mail boxes to exchange mail that our obviously dyslexic carrier has screwed up.
    Start with the Post Office itself! I swear our Loch Nessel Monster is the most useless AG we’ve ever suffered under.

  7. General Malaise
    APRIL 29, 2022 AT 12:12 PM
    “Buy Oshkosh, by gosh, ‘Oshkosh Defense.’”

    …that really isn’t that odd. Grumman made the ones they use now, they made a LOT of not-plane things back in the day to survive.

    I’m kinda glad too, because my former FD was looking for a quint about the same time Clinton was gutting military budgets, and someone at Grumman hit upon the idea of making fire trucks to survive. Long story short I ended up with the extreme pleasure of serving on one of THESE with 100′ STEEL turret mounted ladder, enclosed jump seats, tons of storage for hose and gear, and one HELL of a pump that was surprisingly nimble for its size and hands down the best truck in the fleet. They could have made us a POS lemon because they didn’t do it for very LONG, but they instead made us a tight, reliable, and really good looking truck, very similar to the one you see below.×225.jpg

    …so while I’m sure that a ginormous Federal contract like this has WAY more graft in it than my pathetic little city could even dream of, I don’t really think it odd that a defense contractor in what are once again Democrat destroyed times building a grocery getter for civic use is necessarily a bad or wrong thing for them to do, off-brand as it may seem.

  8. MissInMi
    APRIL 29, 2022 AT 12:26 PM
    “Here in Michigan, I would appreciate just having my mail delivered on time and to the correct address.”

    Doesn’t happen here in SW OH.


    Not just in one place either.

    I know folks living in 5 counties locally, and its the same everywhere.

  9. OK, small town in Montana had a downtown post office that was walking distance from every residence in town PARTICULARLY the folks who lived in the retirement home there. Despite the objections of the people who actually needed to use the post office and didn’t see any reason to even make any improvements to the existing post office (WTF do they know anyway?), a new post office was built outside town and now everyone who uses it needs to get in a car and drive to it.

    There goes any and all potential of anyone making an argument that passes the straight face test that there is any sincere concern for the environment whatsoever on the part of the assholes who are in charge of this shit.

  10. “putting the comfort of drivers over sound logistical sense.”
    Keeping our mail carriers sweating in the summer and freezing in the winter could only improve their temperament, right?

  11. ^ Solution? Let the Mehicans drive the trucks in summer and the Eskimos in winter!! Both groups are climatized! They don’t need no steenking heaters or air conditioners. another reason to open the borders!!!11! (This be raciss, of course.)

  12. We’re bankrupt to the tune of 35 trillion and they want to buy expensive, unreliable pieces of garbage with no air in the summer and no heat in the winter. Brilliant. Just effin brilliant. At the same time they’re demanding EVs they’re demanding we shut down cheap and reliable sources of energy production. I have no doubt China is behind this disaster.

  13. MissInMi
    APRIL 29, 2022 AT 1:29 PM

    “To be a government employee, incompetence must be a prerequisite for the majority of them.”

    …it doesn’t have to be that way. I never knew the man, but I’m told that my Scots immigrant grandfather was the Postmaster for some teeny WVA mountain town, and my mother tells me that he was very sincere about delivering the mail accurately, and fired carriers who misdelivered more than once. Probably easier to do so in those days, but she never fails to tell me…AND her local Post Office when she returns the misdelivered mail to them…how horrified he would have been to see how they operate today.

    To which they roll their eyes…

  14. “ The only reason our subdivision has gotten to know each other, is that we meet at the mail boxes to exchange mail that our obviously dyslexic carrier has screwed up. “

    Exactly why I picked up a post office box for my business billing address

    We don’t have a regular letter carrier anymore. It’s the extra route tickets tossed around now and they aren’t that familiar with the neighborhood. You would think the address would be good enough.

  15. @ MissInMi

    “To be a government employee, incompetence must be a prerequisite for the majority of them.”

    Not a prerequisite but if you can’t acquire it within a month or two, they will find a way to get rid of you. I know a couple of people who I think are pretty competent that got fired from government jobs and neither was to upset about the loss of their job. Government employment isn’t very satisfying to competent people.


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