States Strike Back Against Tranny Agenda – IOTW Report

States Strike Back Against Tranny Agenda

AmericanClarion: AOL News reports 11 states have decided not to roll over for President Barack Obama’s illegal attempt to force the transgender states on America’s education system.

Officials from 11 U.S. states sued the Obama administration on Wednesday, seeking to overturn a directive from the federal government that public schools should allow transgender students to use the bathroom matching their gender identity…

…Amid a national debate on transgender rights, President Barack Obama’s administration on May 13 told U.S. public schools that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice, upsetting Republicans and raising the likelihood of fights over federal funding and legal authority.

It’s a simple matter of reality and science.

11 Comments on States Strike Back Against Tranny Agenda

  1. Does it even matter after last night – 43 Republicans Join Democrats to Support Obama’s Transgender Agenda

  2. I can’t look at this site anymore, I can’t look at the news, I can’t look at TV. All I can do is read something like a book of my own choice.

    This insanity has finally kicked the stuffing out of me.

  3. I love how the party of “science” reverts to “feelings” at every turn to get their way. A fetus isn’t a person, climate change is our fault and your chromosomes don’t matter in determining sex. But us conservatives are the “anti-science” party…hahahahaha.

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