Steamed Rice: Susan Rice Says Trump Threatens American Security More than ‘ANY FOREIGN ADVERSARY’ – IOTW Report

Steamed Rice: Susan Rice Says Trump Threatens American Security More than ‘ANY FOREIGN ADVERSARY’

Hannity: Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice slammed President Trump in a fiery op-ed piece published by the New York Times this week; saying the Commander-in-Chief does more to “undermine” American security than any “foreign adversary.”

The former Obama official posted the scathing story Sunday morning; saying “President Trump does more to undermine American national security than any foreign adversary.” more here

20 Comments on Steamed Rice: Susan Rice Says Trump Threatens American Security More than ‘ANY FOREIGN ADVERSARY’

  1. The gall of the swamp scum elites like her never ceases to amaze me!

    This professional Liar Designate Number One of the ODipshit cabinet now has the foolhardiness to attack the president. Room is being made in our jails for people like that.

  2. Funny how, for being such a threat, President of the United States Donald J. Trump has had more successes in foreign policy in two years than the previous two administrations had in 16.

  3. Methinks the lady doth protest too much…I observe a direct correlation between those who scream the loudest and a internal panic that their actions are about to be adjudicated to the point of accountability…perhaps Q is right

  4. Just another part of Obama’s inept legacy. Keep flapping yo lips just proves how stooooped you are. Nobody cares about you or your thoughts. 8 years of a cesspool of administrative ineptitude says it all. GO AWAY!

  5. She must have been triggered by that White House holiday video where they didn’t burn the flag and shout Death to America to show how much they support the First Amendment, served pork at the party the media wasn’t invited to and didn’t get down on their knees and pray to Mecca at the end.

    Quite a stark change from her time in office.

    If you spot her near an embassy, shoot her on sight. She’s not there for a non-violent protest.

    By the way, every time this bitch talks shouldn’t someone interview her son to contradict her in public? Or does this rule only apply to Kellyanne Conway’s husband.

  6. Not only a despicable liar but a foul creature that has become notorious for her lapses in her personal hygiene. Greasy hair and oily skin give a indication of the noxious and mingling odors wafting through the air in her immediate area. This disgusting condition is so pronounced that it can be divined simply by viewing her through television cameras.

  7. In the spirit of the season, be grateful for your enemies who openly reveal who they truly are.

    Too often, we go through years without knowing the truth. Either through wishful thinking or purposeful deception.

  8. Based on already declassified documentation, Susan Rice is a traitor to The United States of America, and a self-avowed enemy of the American people. (Brussels can get in line about their precious “war crimes.”) I will pay due regard to her statement from the gallows. Not so much to the currently jabbering head, co-conspirators that aid and abet her in the media, when they follow in line.

    (And, just so you know: I hate Orange Man’s racist immigration policies. America needs more Mexicans. They’re the only ones willing to do the work propagandists need done.)

  9. Does anyone else remember the reports years ago that Rice, Lynch and Jarrett were close college or law school associates who vowed to “change America” when they got in power?

    No wonder these enemy scum hate old people – we remember things!


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