Stephen Hawking is a genius, when it comes to scamming people – IOTW Report

Stephen Hawking is a genius, when it comes to scamming people


American Thinker: You have to admire genius. The global warming crowd has been getting rich predicting that the world will end in the distant future in a dramatic fashion. We can never prove them wrong because their predictions are slated to occur far in the future.

But before global warming hoaxes, there was Stephen Hawking. Hawking got rich initially not by predicting the future but laying out a story of the distant past. He wrote a best selling book, “A Brief History of Time,” describing how the universe was created. Now, Stephen Hawking has absolutely no idea how the universe was created. He can’t. He wasn’t there. So he made up a story about it and everyone calls him a genius. He’s a genius because his theory about the creation of the universe can never be disproved. Now that’s smart–writing “scientifically” about a subject where your “research” can never, ever be crosschecked.

Having milked the past for all its worth, Hawking wants to cash in on future predictions, which also can never be verified. At first he said that the world will end in 1,000 years, a nice, distant time– and isn’t it amazing how the end of the world will come in such a round number?

That was November.


36 Comments on Stephen Hawking is a genius, when it comes to scamming people

  1. Making taxpayer money off theories, that’s all.
    Hey you know what would be interesting? Finding out how the hell he managed to knock up his wife to have children.
    OK no… I don’t want to know.

  2. I don’t mind these people having their theories of gloom and doom … until they want to have the government involved with altering my livelihood and behavior in a negative way.

  3. At the turn of the century, someone stated that we had invented pretty much all that ever was going to be invented.
    Predictions come and go.
    The article uses an immature way to ask some important questions:
    If global warming scientists are ‘in consensus’ for the money, why not Astrophysicists?
    Theorists rely heavily on statistics and mathematical extrapolation. Who checks the mathematician’s math?
    The AI scare, IMO is real, but for this reason: There is no invention that can do more damage than an invention that is independent and self motivated
    For me, the greater the understanding of the universe, the greater the understanding of His Creation. We can never know it all. But unwinding the puzzle is one of the reasons we are here.

  4. First, Bill Nye the Science Gay, I mean guy…..Now the ‘Ultimate Science Guru’ of all times spewing leftists’ bullshit. They both stand to monetarily gain from the ignorant masses known as taxpayers.

  5. Got my money on BB: guns n Bibles baby! Hawking? Mmmmm. Not so much. Could be called home at any minute. The Good Lord is going to ask him what he did with all the special gifts he was blessed with. Did he make the world a better place or did he suck up to the wrong crowd? Better to be normal, God fearing, and faithful than to be brilliant and defiant. Yo, Stevey, ditch the arrogance, buy into humility.

  6. @Euginia ~ & his ex has been grateful ever since

    Hawkins went full ‘AlGore’ a while back. he used to almost make an argument. now he just spews nonsense no better fit for tabloids.

  7. I refuse to pay attention to anyone who predicts the end of the world no matter how smart they are, because I know they are definitely NOT smart enough to stop it.

  8. From above:Mankind needs a world-wide AI treaty.
    – To start, all potentially weaponized AI code needs to be open source.”

    That’s not easy. The neural networks being used in AI research self program internally. Most of them right now are doing things to arrive at decisions that we can’t say for sure exactly how they arrived at a particular answer.

    There are already some people disturbed by that and DARPA is one of that group. Protocols are being urged to give more information about the internal programming being done by these primitive AI’s.

  9. Hey! What if Putin has hacked Hawking’s speech translator software and what he is saying is exactly the opposite of what he is thinking? How would we ever know? Because in trying to tell us what is wrong with what is coming out of his little speaker, he would be endlessly contradicting himself!…….Wouldn’t he?

  10. What good is being a genius and rich if you’re laid up in a wheel chair unable to walk or talk? The guy has to have robotic voice in order to engage in phone sex. Poor thing, his having sex was over in his 20’s and now all he does is sit around conjuring up BS to remain relevant.

  11. Holy Shit! I had no idea Stephen Hawking was a genius! I thought that all he did was narrate the NOAA weather forecasts on my marine VHF radio’s Wx channel.

  12. It’s really difficult to believe that Mr. Hawking’s cognitive abilities continue to be viable. His disease is degenerative, and he has been progressing for an inordinately long period of time. I believe other people around him are promoting political agendas using his name for credibility. Sad.

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