Stephen Petty – On the effectiveness of masks – IOTW Report

Stephen Petty – On the effectiveness of masks

h/t Jeff.

15 Comments on Stephen Petty – On the effectiveness of masks

  1. I used cloth masks for years while sanding in the drywall construction trade and the dust would always get through and end up in our noses, no matter how tightly we wore them.

  2. Gov’t, Media, Academia – All Bullshit – All the Time.

    But there are millions – literally – millions (probably tens of millions) of drones who honestly believe (with NO evidence whatsoever) that the gov’t, the media, and academia have some secret superior knowledge.

    And this is how the sheep are maintained – they refuse their own eyes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Oh shut up Stephen Petty with all your studies, hypotheses and facts. No one’s buying your nonsense.

    I suppose next you’ll suggest they’re only two genders!

  4. The fouchi is pure EVIL!
    This should be on CNN. Yea right….
    Your Govt. has lied to you about many
    things over the years…..
    Masks cause induced autism in children.

  5. OK- here’s something I’ve wondered about, but haven’t seen covered anywhere. not even by this guy.
    They say the chainese virus is airborne. They have also tested for it in sewere and through use of anal swabs. What I wonder about is- is the virus aerosolized when flushed down a toilet as human waste? Have you ever seen a toilet seat lid in a hospital or long term care facility. Or a school? No, they don’t have them (probably because of cleaning requirements), but they do have forced air for heating and cooling. Is the virus aerosolized in such a situation, then distributed? Just wondering over here.
    They say ‘trust the science,’ then they don’t look at the whole picture.
    None of the jabby stuff for me, thanks.

  6. None of the masks pictured works at all if the wearer has facial hair including significant stubble at the sealing location. There were never any announcements regarding this fact that
    I saw.

  7. Kinda like one thinks Depends really protects you against all misshaps, until they don’t, oops. Just ask your head golfer, he knows, those hot days in Florida heat can lead to a real sticky mess & chapped cheeks.

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