Steve Bannon Demands Accusers On Jan 6 Committee Face Him At Trial – IOTW Report

Steve Bannon Demands Accusers On Jan 6 Committee Face Him At Trial

“I challenge Bennie Thompson today to have the courage to come to this courthouse. If he’s going to charge somebody with a crime, he’s got to be man enough to show up here.”

But…Jan. 6 panel chair Bennie Thompson has COVID.

8 Comments on Steve Bannon Demands Accusers On Jan 6 Committee Face Him At Trial

  1. I got to be honest, this guy seems a little more than self destructive. He’s about to get rail roaded right up the butt, thrown in the hoosegow, and shot in the back while trying to escape by some faggot Fibbie. Dooode, what are you thinking?

  2. BRAD,
    Last act of defiance ? Before the eagle
    snatches the mouse.Hope he flips off the
    judge and curses him with a filthy pox
    upon his house….Right after he is sentenced
    to life.When are you going to move your operation
    to Texas? We got low low taxes in Galveston County.
    I still want to “get on” 1 of them hi-tech milling

  3. Not knowing the man, I really do have hope that he is laying a trap for those idiots to step in to and not just being belligerent.

    Not sure how literally the courts take facing one’s accuser in court when the Jan 6th Committee is fundamentally the accuser and “judge”.


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