Steve Bannon issues statement: going to war for Trump – IOTW Report

Steve Bannon issues statement: going to war for Trump

Pacific Pundit: Steve Bannon gave his first comments to Bloomberg after leaving the White House today. For those liberals and media hacks salivating that Bannon may turn on Trump and turn Breitbart into a Trump bashing site, they will be sorely disappointed. Steve Bannon will in fact go to war, but not against Trump. Bannon is going to war FOR Trump against his enemies which include those on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America. You hear that John McCain? You hear that CNN?

All of these backstabbing losers who so badly wanted Steve Bannon out of the White House and got their wish may now regret it.


17 Comments on Steve Bannon issues statement: going to war for Trump

  1. Its not so much that he’s leaving, its who seems to be ousting the close Trump loyalists. Some of the people getting close to Trump are rather dubious. I’ve never cared much for McMaster as an example, and that view was held before he showed up at the WH.

  2. Bannon did what he was supposed to at the White House, and now that job is complete. Now he goes back to Breitbart to kick more ass. No problems, no personal vendettas, no qualms. Being that the media is in full retard mode, some White House jobs will be shorter than others. That’s on purpose.

  3. Bannon can put the hurt on all the anti-Trump/anti-American entities far more effectively from a vantage point outside the WH than from within where, as a WH “official”, he would draw fire on Trump and his administration. Now he becomes one of those “former WH staffer(s)” who can tell the unvarnished, uncomplicated-by-political-relationships truth.

  4. Bannon has slipped the surly bonds of the WH press.
    And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
    Sunward he climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
    Laughing at the sight of a bewildered press corpse.
    High on the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
    He’s chased the shouting throng along, and flung
    His eager craft through footless halls of hot air…
    apologies to John Gillespie Magee, Jr

  5. My money remains on Trump. All the talk of WH chaos is more fake news garbage. As long as their lips can move, they keep lying.

    If they were real journalists, we all would be glued to the real news 24/7. There are SO MANY outrageous scandals and career criminals that they could be uncovering and exposing that the ratings for REAL NEWS would be astounding. Instead, they pump insultingly stupid lies, their viewership is garbage and they work SO HARD to fill time with distractions made out of nothingness.

    Next ‘journalist’ you see, spit on them.

  6. “Hey, Steve, I think you’ve pretty much finished up here, any more to do?”
    “Well, Mr. President, I’d like to leave with a flourish, if you agree.”
    “Sure, sure. Let’s give the rumor mill a couple of months before you go.”
    “Great, then we can let them play the ‘Fired’ card.”
    “Yeah, want to watch them step all over themselves with this.”
    “Thank you, sir.”

  7. Keep your ears open for news about Sinclair media. They are are buying Tribune media which owns a lot of local stations – similar to how Fox got started.

    Sinclair has outstanding reporter Sharyl Attkisson (she has a Sunday news show). Hannity’s contract is void now that Roger Ailes is gone. Bill Shine, Ailes right hand man is at liberty. O’Reilly is available as is Eric Boling and Charles Payne. All of them great on-air talent with a big following and Shine knows how to run a #1 news network.

    With Bannon and the Mercer money, I’m supposing the game is afoot on multiple fronts.

  8. Get to it Bannon! Sick and tired of the Trump bashing. Time for some serious payback.
    Hoping this calls for a YUGE bag of popcorn and some great belly laughs.

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