Steve Bannon Tells Jan. 6 Committee He Wants to Testify in Public – IOTW Report

Steve Bannon Tells Jan. 6 Committee He Wants to Testify in Public


Former White House adviser Steve Bannon on Sunday agreed to testify in front of the House Jan. 6 committee after he received a letter from former President Donald Trump telling him he will waive executive privilege.

Bannon, who is slated to go on trial for criminal contempt charges in July for defying a previous subpoena by the panel, said he wanted to testify in public, according to a letter from his lawyer Bob Costello.

“While Mr. Bannon has been steadfast in his convictions, circumstances have now changed,” Costello said in the letter, according to numerous media outlets. “Mr. Bannon is willing to, and indeed prefers, to testify at your public hearing.” more

16 Comments on Steve Bannon Tells Jan. 6 Committee He Wants to Testify in Public

  1. A former president has no executive privilege period.
    Bannon’s testimony will consist of I don’t remember or I don’t recall & I plead the 5th.

    You are so dumb. I mean really.
    Do you know anything? Bannon worked for him when Trump was President.

  2. Since when?
    A former President has executive privilege covering his time in office.

    Otherwise Clinton’s and Obola’s Treason Trials would be proceeding apace.

    (I’m not a lawyer, but that ^^^ makes no sense)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tim no he does not! Current sitting president is the only one with executive privilege, but he allow a former president or disallow a former president’s claim. Read up on it I did.

  4. They won’t allow it. Bannon should figure out a way to record his testimony for later release because, dollars to Doughnuts, the “committee” will lie about it and misrepresent it.

  5. If I was Bannon, I would be chomping at the bit to testify. It would only enhance his standing with his listening audience.

    Witnesses get to give an opening statement if desired, his could be absolutely epic,” Dear congressional grandstanders, I am here testifying at this makeshift kangaroo court because I was subpoenaed. I will answer your questions up until that point where it crosses the line of executive privilege. This long-standing precedent has existed since our founding. Obama invoked it, Clinton invoked it, and those on my side respected that because we believe in the rule of law. For those on the committee not satisfied with my answers, let me just assuage your anxiety by reminding you that nobody is watching these proceedings anyway. Not only have you usurped your authority, possible crimes that occurred on Jan 6th. is the purview of The Justice Department, not congress, and you have totally de-legitimized this body by not including valid members of the opposition party, those that were put forth by the minority leader. You have fashioned this joke of a committee in such a way that the country sees it for what it is, not a truth-finding body, not interested in due process or justice, but solely as an assassination attempt to stop the one man that you guys suffer nightmares from every night. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full flourish, for the entire country to see. They don’t care about you, your mission, or the manner in which this sham committee is conducted. You have embarrassed yourselves and revealed to the nation what petty, petulant adolescents you all are. Failing twice at impeaching Trump, you will now try to malign him, unsuccessfully I might add, through treachery, hearsay, and dis-information. But you will fail and it is my earnest hope that I can expedite that failure with my testimony today.”

  6. Hunter and various names you’ve used.
    This is what happens to you when you only read CNN headlines and assume shit. Brad’s correct. Have your birthing person explain it to you.


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