Steve Bannon’s Indictment Explained – IOTW Report

Steve Bannon’s Indictment Explained

 Politics or FRAUD?

A breakdown of the Bannon indictment. The history of the GoFUndMe is interesting, and the indictment contains some serious allegation if true.

15 Comments on Steve Bannon’s Indictment Explained

  1. LMAO AT Larrytheenlightenedliberal over and over again!
    Larry you’re a fool!!!
    Ever hear of the Clinton Global Initiative?!?!?!

    Talk about the shameless pilphering of a non profit LMAO

  2. Not looking good. I want to believe it’s a witch hunt, but I think I have to trust the President’s better instincts on this.

    And Larrytheenlightenedliberal, you’re the best moby ever. I don’t know which smaht guy/gal here is the hand in your sock but kudos. That thumbs up is from me.

  3. All they had to do was set up the funding for the wall to include reasonable salaries and reimbursement of all costs directly associated with the construction of the wall, and the SDNY wouldn’t have a case against any of them. This is clearly a political hit job, but it was also a stupid misuse of the funds they raised. It’s going to be a shame if Bannon gets brought down by this stupidity.

  4. My opinion- They fucked up saying there would be no salary. They kept saying it, wrote about it, went on TV several times saying the same thing.
    That was a lightning rod in search of a tropical storm.
    {think about it, even gofundme takes a cut off of all the fundraising.
    But still, they said ‘no salary’.}

    Even with a, let’s say 9% cut for ‘administrative’ purposes, if somebody used that to repave their driveway or get liposuction, it’s still a fucked up thing to do.

    Not laying guilt on them, but I’m just saying. It’s hard to get worked up about it considering it’s the same NY court with a hate-on for anyone Conservative and the office is full of leftist degenerate political scam artists.

  5. Fenderstrat – Well that sucks. Bannon should have looked that guy up before he agreed to do anything with him. Unless the FBI sent him to Bannon. lol.
    You know, ala spygate.

    Sheesh. This leftist world is so fucked up.

  6. Barr’s justice dept seems hot on the trail of Bannon and co. He may as well direct his energy somewhere because he sure isn’t pursuing the criminals who committed treason against the president.
    Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’ll take years before we see any hint of progress against the build the wall prosecution.
    Somehow I don’t think so. F–ing traitor!

  7. Hey Larry, you do realize that Kolfage is a triple amputee war veteran, dont you. It is my opinion that legally persecuting this honorable war veteran, at the very least is — Oh, how to put it — “bad optics”

    You really think this will help your cause? Cause I think its gonna blow up in your face like every other grotesque stunt you cancers on our body politic have pulled

  8. I’ll believe its a political hit job if the MSM focuses on this instead of the election, Obamagate or COVID. If it’s not featured as heavily as the college admission scandal, I’d say it’s not as political as it may have first appeared.


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