Steve Hilton: China Is ‘Funding Biden Family Businesses’ with ‘Billions of Dollars’ – IOTW Report

Steve Hilton: China Is ‘Funding Biden Family Businesses’ with ‘Billions of Dollars’


On Sunday, Fox News Channel’s Steve Hilton reported on Peter Schweizer’s investigation of former vice president Joe Biden’s family’s business dealings with China’s government, concluding that Biden was “compromised by a foreign power and unfit to be president.”

Hunter Biden — Biden’s second son —  secured $1 billion in financing  from the Bank of China — an arm of the Chinese government — for a private equity firm founded by himself and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry. That private equity firm was named Bohai-Harvest RST (BHR).

Joe Biden “is the very definition of a corrupt insider,” said Hilton, rejecting left-wing and partisan Democrat marketing of Joe Biden as “a man of the working people.” He profiled Biden in a segment entitled, “Swamp Watch.”

Hilton added, “With Joe Biden … there is a much more worrying relationship with a foreign power, one that presents a vastly bigger threat to America than Russia — China.”

Hilton recalled Joe Biden’s December 2013 trip to China as vice president with Hunter Biden:

In December 2013, then-Vice President Biden rode Air Force Two on an official trip to Asia, as tensions were high over disputed territories in the East China Sea. Biden was joined by his son, Hunter, who was building a private equity firm along with his business partner and friend, Chris Heinz – heir of the Heinz Ketchup family fortune and stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

Joe Biden struck a soft, friendly tone with the Chinese leadership, disappointing allies in the area, like Japan, who were alarmed by China’s increasing aggression. But perhaps Joe had other issues besides the global balance of power on his mind, issues like his son’s business deals.

Hunter’s presence on the trip was far from coincidence. Just 10 days later, his company, Rosemont Seneca, signed an exclusive $1 billion deal with the state-owned Bank of China, creating an investment fund called Bohai Harvest, with money backed by the Chinese government. In the words of Peter Schweizer, who first unveiled these conflicts of interest in his book “Secret Empires,” “the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.” That is what it looks like to be “compromised by a foreign power.”

Hilton noted the values and origins of some of BHR’s other investments, including, “$145,000 from a Kazak oligarch, $1 million from Chinese entities, $1.2 million from a mysterious LLC tied to a Swiss bank that’s been implicated in money laundering, [and] $3.1 million from corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs.”  read more

6 Comments on Steve Hilton: China Is ‘Funding Biden Family Businesses’ with ‘Billions of Dollars’

  1. This morning there was a predawn raid at Hunter’s residence. Men with machine guns killed his dog and hand-cuffed his children.

    Ha-ha got you! I just made that up.

  2. “not a smidgen of corruption in my administration”

    EVERY goddamn thing that came out of that gay illegal alien muslim deep state plants mouth ( barry husien) was a lie and if you take what he says then turn it around 180 degrees that is what he really means with any statement made by him, king narcissist himself.

    I hope the whole corrupt cabal ends up burning in hell with people like McStain for what they have done to this country. It would be a fitting punishment if they all had to share the same room for eternity with queen killary leading the pack.

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