Steve King: “Kevin McCarthy is a narcissistic abuser.” – IOTW Report

Steve King: “Kevin McCarthy is a narcissistic abuser.”

Revolver: Former Representative Steve King had some choice words for House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy on Tucker Carlson Today. King also explained how “The Complex” coordinates cancellations.

6 Comments on Steve King: “Kevin McCarthy is a narcissistic abuser.”

  1. McCarthy is just another Boehner or Ryan. Appeasers all, negotiating away our Nation’s fortune and citizens.

    McCONnell has been doing the same since 2007. Yet the appeasers keep him as leader of the GOP.

    Those GOP representative and senators who Keep these two false leaders, out of greed and self preservation, should reap the same traitorous reward.

    Those corporations and special interest groups that fund the appeasers in the house and senate should also reap their just reward.

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