Steve Nikoui was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for interrupting Biden – IOTW Report

Steve Nikoui was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for interrupting Biden

His son was killed at Abbey Gate during Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Kabul

27 Comments on Steve Nikoui was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for interrupting Biden

  1. Did they make up a law just for him or was that already on the books?! Tyrants will not tolerate any dissent.

    Biden interrupts his own derailed train of thought; he doesn’t need any help. He can barely read the teleprompter, anyway.

  2. When you engage in civil disobedience, you have to be willing to be penalized. Getting charged with a misdemeanor seems pretty fair to me…so far. It remains to be seen what else they whack him with.

  3. Mr. Nikoui, had every right to call out Bidumb during the SOTU speech last night for killing his son in that cowardly chicken shit withdrawal from Ashcanistan. His son was a hero, joey is less than zero. We need more patriots to stand up to joey and call him out every time that he opens his lying POS piehole.

  4. Shitpants Brandon should be charged with the crime of stealing time from everyone who wasted it listening to him squawk all manners of LIES.
    Of course he was ‘animated’. Bless his heart. He did what he’s done best his entire life: shovel out a bunch of BS, knowing full well that the “free press” he owns will spoon up every morsel of that shit. Bon Appettit, traitors!

  5. @Joe B Friday, 8 March 2024, 9:17 at 9:17 am

    You did indeed dismiss the death of a young innocent American at the hands of a criminal invader by mentioning that “I’ve lost a child too”.

    Die a vividly painful death you miserable POS!!

  6. At the risk of being hogged tied (not a pretty mental picture in my 80-year old mind) by swat for daring to quote or even listen to President Trump:

    I love the Trump response, last sentence: “You’re fired! “

  7. Charged with misdemeanor heckling O’Biden III?
    Wear it as a badge of honor.

  8. Mr. Nikoui is a brave father and patriot who probably believes he has nothing else to lose. He had to stand up for the truth and confront that monster, Biden. My heart goes out to him.

    He’s suffered an unimaginable tragedy, losing his son at the “command” of a tyrannical, demented leftist tool. A criminal charge for interrupting that evil liar can’t compare.
    He deserves the best legal defense available. President Trump needs to get involved to get charges against Mr. Nikoui dismissed.

    I pray Mr. Nikoui knows God loves him, knows what he’s going through and has his back. Hope he also knows his son would be proud of him.

  9. Roberts and 2 sets of laws in America!

    ANTIFA and BLM do mit OK!
    A conservative does it police man handle and tak3 him out!

    Moniker says have a do on this fight! And I DO! JOHN ROBERTS has destroyed American jurisprudence!

  10. Nikoui’s defense should be totally First Amendment, but not freedom of speech. He was exercising his Constitutional right to petition the govt for redress of grievances.


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