Steve Scalise Announces Plans to Investigate Governors Who Ordered Nursing Homes to Take In COVID-Positive Patients, asks Democrats to Join Him – IOTW Report

Steve Scalise Announces Plans to Investigate Governors Who Ordered Nursing Homes to Take In COVID-Positive Patients, asks Democrats to Join Him

DanBongino: On Thursday, in his capacity as ranking member of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus crisis, Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), announced that he will be sending oversight letters to Democratic governors of multiple states who ordered nursing homes to readmit COVID-positive patients, to determine what led up to those disastrous decisions. He also called on Democratic members of the panels to join the effort in a bipartisan fashion. more

12 Comments on Steve Scalise Announces Plans to Investigate Governors Who Ordered Nursing Homes to Take In COVID-Positive Patients, asks Democrats to Join Him

  1. Good luck, Steve. You’ll have as much luck with that as you would getting the media to investigate Derek Chauvin’s social media history. They don’t want to know, and they don’t want us to know.

  2. …asks Democrats to Join Him

    Luck with that. These are the same duplicitous bastards who are tearing down monuments right down the street from Woodrow Wilson public schools and buildings that celebrate and honor the most virulent racist/segregationist President and Administration since reconstruction, if ever.

  3. I predict the response from these governors is “itsTrumps fault. He didn’t provide us money, ppe etc, etc, etc. “
    XiNN, msnbxi, will repeat ad nauseam.

  4. I’m sure that Fredo’s brother is quaking in his boots…….
    Now if the GOP retakes the House and keeps the Senate and White House in November,it’ll be a January to remember as the hearings open up and the wet spot trickling down Matilda’s ass crack breaks into flop sweat for the cameras.

  5. Scalise is my CongressCritter. Frankly, I’m disappointed in him. I think he’s been assimilated by the Deep State Borg. He hasn’t done shit for me. And his staff doesn’t know how to respond to phone calls and emails; the most BASIC job a politician has of taking care of their constituency.

    I donated to his last two campaigns in 2016 and 2018 but I’m sitting this one out.

  6. “Steve Scalise Announces Plans to Investigate Governors”

    Yes, and then what (I mean, aside from the waste of time, money and nothing happening as a result)?


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