Steve Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race – IOTW Report

Steve Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race

Steve Scalise has dropped out of the speaker race.

Here is the report from Politico:

The House GOP’s pick for speaker, Steve Scalise, announced Thursday he will no longer seek the gavel as he confronted a likely insurmountable vote shortage.

While Scalise had won a majority of votes in an internal GOP ballot a day earlier, he faced staunch resistance from multiple Republicans who vowed to support only his opponent, Rep. Jim Jordan, on the floor.

Politico further notes that Jordan is expected to make another run for the position.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today, Scalise was expected to make this move. Now we wait to see what the GOP will do next. more

21 Comments on Steve Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race

  1. DC Draino says it should be Jordan. I generally trust DC Draino. I don’t know about Jordan, he says good things but I don’t know about follow-through. But they won’t elect a true conservative, so with a slim GOP majority it will always be a RINO. Jordan may be the best that can get the votes.

  2. Too soft and ready to reach across the aisle, sometimes. Plus he’s too friendly with the Ken Doll McCarthy. Scalia, a gentleman with no street cred as a strong. battle-ready, uncompromising conservative.

  3. Horseshit, Give me someone that cares about America and the American way.

    If they like money…screw’em
    If they like power….screw’em
    I’m looking for someone that gives-a-shit about what is right and what is best for the American people.

  4. I know these guys that I like probably don’t have a chance of getting enough votes, but if I had a vote I would like to vote for Clay Higgins or Byron Donalds. Trump is also a good choice.

  5. ^^^^^^^ Ignorant fool. Currently we have no weapons or parts to send to Israel. They sent them All to that big joke, the Uke. Expanding, we can’t resupply our own forces because once again we sent everything we had to the midget with half a dick that hit all the white keys. Tomorrow’s the muzzy day of rage. If they don’t kick it off tomorrow they will soon. And our armed forces are out of weapons. Almost seems intentional

  6. The House should be renamed the Whore House.
    Politicians go into politics for THEMSELVES not to benefit the great unwashed masses. They couldn’t care less about the 750,000 pawns they pretend to “represent.”
    The districts are far too populous for proper “representation” and that is, of course, why Congress passed a law limiting the number of districts, in opposition to the Constitution’s prescribed “representation” of 75,000.

    The greater the franchise, the less each vote counts, and the more opportunity for fraud.

    We, the People, didn’t just suddenly become idiots, we’ve been idiots for over 100 years.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I guess it will be Trump then.

    PS If the Demos had any brains (they vote and speak as ordered, after all), they vote for The Donald so he couldn’t run for God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne (although legally, he probably could).

    Mr President/Mr Speaker.

    Now there’s a thought to chill the blood. If you’re a Lefty.

  8. Jim Jordan, won’t get the votes. Back to McCarthy & if I was him (which of course I’m not) I would only take the House Speaker position back if the “Gaetz” rule is changed back to how it was. The party doing their best foot forward, ten steps back. Hell they could barely function anyway & now showing America tits on a bull don’t do nothing.

  9. Scalise wants the House back on track, what he doesn’t say is the track ends at the bottom of the Debt cliff.
    “But there are some folks that really need to look in the mirror”, Says Scalise. When Scalise looks in the mirror he sees Boehner, Ryan and McCarthy.

    He accuses some members of having an agenda. No shit, who doesn’t have an agenda? !

    The agenda choices are the “establishment” toward the economic cliff of ruin or a fighter for reduced Government, reduced debt, closed borders and Principled leadership for all Americans.


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