Steven Crowder Announces Lawsuit Against Facebook – IOTW Report

Steven Crowder Announces Lawsuit Against Facebook

Daily Wire: Conservative host Steven Crowder announced Monday that he’s suing tech giant Facebook on the grounds of “unfair competition, fraud, false advertising, and antitrust.”

Crowder attorney Bill Richmond said the suit has already been initiated and more information will be provided to the public as the suit progresses.

“We’re going after Facebook based on its own words and its own promises,” Richmond explained. Facebook, he said, claimed they were no longer suppressing certain speech, however, continued to do so.

As an example of what he said was speech suppression, Crowder pointed to his election livestream that was apparently cut off. The stream, as noted by The Daily Wire, amassed a stunning 8.1 million views. The host said he was never given a reason as to why the coverage was curtailed.

“They removed the biggest stream that has ever existed, from the biggest platform that’s ever existed, with no reason,” he said. more here

6 Comments on Steven Crowder Announces Lawsuit Against Facebook

  1. At some point we need to ask the old Josef Stalin question

    How many divisions does does Big Tech have. They are waging war against us. They willfully surpressed info about meds that allowed other countries to get this disease under control, causing untold tens of thousands of deaths and trillions in economic damages

    We used to unleash B-52s against nations that did this to us

  2. I just watched nearly the whole two hrs.
    I’ve really missed Mug Club these last couple years
    and would like to get back to it!

    I always loved the video Steven and Not Gay Jared at the Women’s March an oldie but goodie.

  3. While I applaud the sentiment I have zero belief that his lawsuit has a snowballs chance in hell at accomplishing anything. “Big Tech” is fully on board with the commie left and their criminality. But even more importantly for the left the
    Judiciary is ALSO a FULLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY of the American Communist Party nee Demonrats. They proved this when courts at MULTIPLE levels from district all the way to the SCOTUS summarily ruled against any and all efforts to legally address the criminal fraud committed by the left during the election. That episode provided ALL the proof necessary to show that the judiciary has been infiltrated, subverted and corrupted by the left. This lawsuit has NO CHANCE because the left PROTECTS IT’S OWN…so the judiciary will make sure that FaecesBook is NOT held accountable for their actions.

  4. When the radical left GOP overrode Don’s veto a month ago they said the government approves what “Big Tech” does!

    Steve is doing this as a publicity stunt. Or he is as dumb as Jeb! and Joe.

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