STFU, Joe! – IOTW Report

STFU, Joe!

Biden Makes Racist Remark During His Second Capitol Surge Statement.

You don’t have to watch the 3-toed sloth drool-speak, you can read it at the link.

19 Comments on STFU, Joe!

  1. If it was BLM the whole frickin capitol would be in ashes right now. That does deserve a different response. When they say, “BURN IT DOWN” it’s in the literal sense. Evidence to the contrary isn’t on your side, Joe.

  2. Between 1/2 and one million people gathered to support the president and a LEGAL vote count. Although a few actually became violent {likely goons hired by the dems} and you rush to condemn the whole crowd.
    You are truly lowlife scum!!!

  3. From the 10,000 foot view, I find it more than amazing that of all the attacks waged on DJT by the Uni Party, none of them have been based on policy. Just Orange man bad bull shit.

    AF1 is reported in the air and headed north from Abilene.

  4. They act like this was the first time someone took a shit in the capitol. Remember, when Trump first got elected? They even burst through and had sit-ins in pelosi’s and others’ offices. lol. And AOC sent them there!!!

  5. This “Ass Hat hat” has no clue what he’s donig . You could see that he had trouble reading the teleprompter I saw this asshole on Tv today while I was working out and his statement that Covid stimulus was gojng to cost Trillions and that he intedns to raise the minimum wage because ” No one who works 40 hrs a week should fall below the poverty line. Based on this logic we will all fall below the poverty line after the tax increses and the printing of money to cover the expenditures. of course by that time the Chinese will own this country and all the asshole in Congress will be living high on the hog in secure gated compound with security. and we will be waiting in line for our daily rations and the press will be telling us how lucky we are that the rasist conservitave has been disenfraichised for the good of society

  6. Diaper Rash Biden is a racist, delusional old fuck.

    I feel bad for his soul because he’s clearly dying and I still don’t believe that anyone should go to hell.

    Things don’t look so good for him though.

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