“Dangerous for Democracy” – Mitt Romney Lashes Out at Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz for Pushing Back Against Stolen Election.
One benefit of starting a new pro-American Trump-centric political party would be kicking Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse to the curb.
Mitt Romney bashed Senator Josh Hawley this weekend after he announced his objection to the certification of the stolen 2020 election.
Is there anyone nastier than Mitt Romney?
Romney also attacked Ted Cruz and the eleven senators who signed on to reject the electors on January 6th. read more
Just trying to prove he’s got the right stuff for a Biden administration job.
Fuck you, Mitt Romney. Go hole up in a high risk avalanche area until you don’t breathe any more.
How many here would love to kick Mitt square in the balls. I would.
By the way Mitt we are a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy.
Has the bag of Richards that America sent him for Christmas arrived yet?
He should be too STUFFED to speak! 😳
You probably could’ve been a great guy, Mitt/Pierre, if you only had realized that you’re NOBODY SPECIAL.
The Moron Church directs guys like this and Mike Lee. You figure it out from there.
paging candy crowley
please pick up the white courtesy phone and tell mittens sit down and shut up
“Dangerous for Democracy”
Screen name: Mitt Danger (to Democracy)
Asshat doesn’t even know that we’re constitutional republic. A democracy is what put us in this clusterf**k of a situation (fraud not withstanding).
@Geoff – sorry, I didn’t see your post. At least we’re in agreement. 😉
Yeah Brad, I usually piss someone off when I go there about the magic underwear cult. Let’s just say any people who will allow “elders” to enter their home to inspect their pantries and allow them access to their financial records are very controlled cult members.
Mittens has binders full of bullsh*t on his desk and on top of his car.
” and on top of his car.”
Actually that’s his scared shitless dog. LOL
I learned everything I needed to know about Mitt Romney when he strapped his dog to the top of his car.
He used to be a Republican, didn’t he? I remember his white face minstrel show. Hilarious.
Geoff C. The Saltine
JANUARY 2, 2021 AT 10:06 PM
“By the way Mitt we are a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy.”
WERE a Constitutional Republic.
…now we’re just a NWO Selectocratic Dictatorship or something.
…but not a Democracy either way…
“Is there anyone nastier than Mitt Romney?”
…John McCain.
Hell hath no fury worse than a Republican presidential candidate scorned…
Were, we’re, we are. Come on man, where are you going with this.
Yes Geoff, we are a Constitutional Republic. Providing we don’t run out of ammo. There’s a bunch of peeps good to go. Crazy stuff. The next couple weeks will be very entertaining if nothing else.
Mittens, Mittens, Mittens … God doesn’t GAF about how much money you’ve stolen.
The amount in your checkbook doesn’t put you on the top of his list.
He has a higher standard.
By human standards you are found lacking … by God’s standards … who knows?
“Pride goeth before destruction: and an hautie spirit before a fall.”
(King James Version)
izlamo delenda est …
Benito the Bombed Beaner
Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger Poncho. I think we all did. It’s really quite amazing what Trump has been able to expose.
JANUARY 2, 2021 AT 10:46 PM
Were, we’re, we are. Come on man, where are you going with this.”
“Were”, past tense of “are”.
…as you yourself have stated, it doesn’t do us any good to go run into the street with guns unless there’s leadership and military involvement.
…and the President is the only one that can make that happen.
…and if all he’s calling for is a disarmed rally while our nation is divvied up between Communists and Never Trumper, “were” is going to be quite accurate indeed…
“…and the President is the only one that can make that happen.”
That’s a really poor assumption.
JANUARY 2, 2021 AT 10:59 PM
““…and the President is the only one that can make that happen.”
That’s a really poor assumption.”
…and the military would follow who else, exactly?
…as for the unorganized militia, if we rise up one by one, we will be cut down one by one, again as you yourself have said.
The police have already chosen sides, and its not the side of patriots.
I do believe it will lead to guerilla war, underground fighting, and eventual overthrow because history tells us that’s how it plays out.
But lacking a focus such as the legitimate President of the United States, Donald Trump, calling the organized and unorganized militias to arms, I don’t see anyone else who will be respected and followed by enough good guys with guns to prevent the short term China puppetocracy from happening…
“and the military would follow who else, exactly?”
Military want get involved.
“…as for the unorganized militia, if we rise up one by one, we will be cut down one by one, again as you yourself have said.”
A Militia would be an offensive attack, this will kick off being a defensive action>
“The police have already chosen sides, and its not the side of patriots”
Agreed but they suck. And have no idea what or where their ass is.
“I do believe it will lead to guerilla war, underground fighting, and eventual overthrow because history tells us that’s how it plays out.”
Least path of resistance dictates over watch. Everyone’s a sniper.
“But lacking a focus such as the legitimate President of the United States,”
Yada Yada Yada. Michael Flynn will be the leader.
Dirty Mitten, Dirty Mitten, give me your answer true. Why does everybody, anyone and their dog hate you?
Why do they detest you through and through? Because You lie, you cheat, you’re a devil and a thief. You two-faced rotten son of a bitch.
Enough is enough, you’re tiresome, you’re finished.
No matter how much you tussle and fuss, you’ll never be president, mitch.
Romney defends democracy by criticizing those who want free and fair elections.
His neck would lay well on a guillotine. POS polygamist.
Wasn’t this the clueless dipshit that picked Paul F’n Ryan as his running mate?
Below is a comment I made on Facebook in response to someone I know posting Bro. Mitt’s little tantrum and thanking him for his, “courage and conscience to do what is right for our democracy.”
“So, with the future of the US, its Constitution and its Judeo-Christian traditions and norms at stake, what side does Bro. Mitt take? What side are Bro. Mitt’s supporters taking? Why? Because orange-man is mean, lived a life of open decadence and has a potty mouth in public (unlike Mitt, who lives a life of mere opulence and only cusses in private, usually)? What has Trump done in his presidency that has put the US at risk in any way? Russia collusion? Why would one make the statement that a Hillary presidency would have been preferable, as was flipping the House to Pelosi, and that Biden/Harris and the likely loss of the Republican majority in the Senate is a good thing and we should just accept it and ignore the obvious signs of electoral fraud and abuse, yet again? Do nevertrumpers hate the man so much that they prefer to see their country and its people flushed down the toilet of history? Apparently, yes. Where is the courage and conscience in parroting the mainstream media? Going with the flow is now the measure of bravery? Is blind ambition, situational ethics, petulant vindictiveness, a thin skin and an addiction to feigned adulation now the example of greatness? What a shallow and pathetic world we are making for our posterity.”
The media elected Romney as President of the Republicans.
Thank Science, the Uniparty can get back to normal with Democrats who hate Republicans and Republican Party leaders who hate conservatives.
Of course, Mormon Mitt is always happy to oblige.
I couldn’t stand the worthless cocksucker the first time I laid eyes on him. He rubbed me wrong during the Atlanta Olympics, when everyone else was fawning over the piece of shit. It is something intangible that just pegs my asshole meter at first sight.
Everyone is saying that ONE of the Republicans needs to win in Georgia Tuesday to maintain a majority.
But having only a single senator majority gives WAAAAAAYYYYY too much power to these turncoat Republicans like Romney.
Better win both elections.
Yesterday, that’s where Mitt lives and it’s far away. From the world we all live in today.
Oh Mitt he lives in Yesterday!
romney & the rest of the republi-c*nts: keep sucking chicom/gro-biden ****
Suddenly Carlos Danger gives him room to be. Freer than he thought he’d ever be.still yesterday comes suddenly.
Like his liberal dad, Mitt has been a Ronny hating leftist for 40 years. He continues to make me look smart for voting against him!
I will always vote against this low life every chance I get.He may be richer than I; but like GWB, HE IS NOT MY BETTER!
I cannot comprehend the idiocy of Mitt believing that, by helping the Democrats steal an election, he’ll be liked by the New York Times and therefore, “in a good position for 2024.”
Can it actually be possible that he does NOT realize if this election is stolen there will not be a real election in 2024?
“Dangerous For Democracy”? I certainly hope so.
Any person calling themselves “Republican” and citing “Democracy” is a lying piece of shit on a level with a fag named soetero.
the underwear cult is awesome..theyre always swearing blood retribution on each other for slights..hoarding young girls like trading cards and banishing the younger guys.. it try is like some post apocaclyptic mad max scenario…
Mitt tries too hard to come across as the squeaky clean television preacher with his perfectly coifed hair and clothes, not to mention the personal testimonial videos fluffing him up to saint-hood! The Underwear Cult – gotta remember that one!
That underwear is on the clothes line blowing which ever way the wind blows!
Sets my radar off and reminds me of Ray Stevens “Would Jesus Wear A Rolex”:
His true Blue colors are on full display now.
Now we need to start a STFU Mitch campaign, for Mitch McCornhole. He’s revealing his true swamp, toxic, yellow-green colors now that he imagines the Trump phenomenon will disappear and he and his coconspirators can go back to screwing the USA with impunity.