STFU, W ! – IOTW Report


Neon Nettle:

Former President George W. Bush denounced protesters who s breached the seat of Congress at the Capitol on Wednesday, calling it a “banana republic.”

Bush said he watched “the scenes of mayhem at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay.”

“This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic — not our democratic republic,” Bush said.

“I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement,” Bush continued. more

SNIP: Fuck you, W! Don’t you have a few thousand dead soldiers you need to finish painting?

31 Comments on STFU, W !

  1. Thank you GW for reneging on your own solemn rule of not commenting on a current presidency and respecting the office of POTUS repeatedly over the last 4 years. Now POTUS Trump is free to make whatever comments he’d like on an ongoing basis about the illegitimate Biden administration. Paybacks a bitch.

  2. About time the winner of the previous banana republic election weighed in with his appalled outrage. Where is Hillary, though? She fall and get a concussion again?

  3. “I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement,”

    In 2024 those very words are going to bite him in the ass when we look back and ponder the last four years of the New Communism of the 21st Century implemented by the totalitarian Rats!

  4. I forget. Isn’t this the same guy who said that Islam is a religion of peace? And that we would have to violate free market principles in order to save the market? Please refresh my memory.

  5. W imagines a world where he can hide undetected.

    As a self-proclaimed Christian, where do you suppose a good hidey-hole will be when you stand before God?

    The Bush brothers are fighting hard to show who is the stupidest.

  6. What did he say all of the times the left stormed the capitol? What did he say when Antifa and BLM were looting and burning down cities?

    To hell with all Republicans and anyone who supports them. I’m to the point I hope the party is totally destroyed. I hope every single Republican loses their job, I hope everywhere they go somebody is in their face. I hope they have a tough time getting 100 voters to vote in their primaries.

    My letter to MD governor Hogan:
    I am embarrassed that I voted for you. You are no better than a slimey democrat. Without all the information revealed regarding the events of 1/6/21 you say this:
    “I think there’s no question that America would be better off if the president would resign or be removed from office and if Mike Pence, the vice president of the United States, would conduct a peaceful transition of power over the next 13 days until President [Joe] Biden is sworn in,”
    Information has been coming out the past two days confirming the situation at the Capitol was a planned attack by anti Trump radicals intended to stop any legitimate effort to question and investigate the allegations of voter fraud that 74 million plus Americans want to be addressed, and to cast a negative impression on the hundreds of thousands of true American patriots who came to DC to peacebly assemble. As the truth is continued to be revealed I doubt you will ever mention it or apologize for your comments.
    You have been a Trump bashing prick for the entire four years he has been in office. I voted for you thinking you were an outsider who wasn’t a typical slimeball politician. You have proved to all that you are as slimey as they come.

  8. Old Racist White Woman
    JANUARY 8, 2021 AT 12:45 PM
    “…I hope they have a tough time getting 100 voters to vote in their primaries.”

    …they’ll get however many votes Dominion is programmed to give them.

    And that is why none of them are worried about voters any more.

  9. The “W” stands for Weapons of Mass Destruction.
    Forgetful asshole W

    Doesn’t recall that it was his own the deep state who lied to him about weapons of mass destruction to trick into invading Iraq.

  10. I am angry at all of the so-called republican conservatives who have attacked President Trump since Pence pulled his stunt. These turncoats have jumped ship so quickly and viciously. Even in his departure, President Trump is exposing those rats’ true character. W needs to shut his globalist pie hole.

  11. His commie buddy Adam got the word! Calling for 25th to out the president! My President.
    BTW Adam if Communism is so good go to China!

    Was Adam in the Army like B. Arnold? LSM labels him a anti Trump vet; but vet of what?

  12. Pound sand! Frigging still mad Jebby lost.
    Never one word about Obama but Trump does what the voters want and what he promised and Trump’s evil.
    The Bushes and Bushies are like children holding grudges cuz they didn’t get their ice cream.

  13. Millions of Americans watched the election get stolen with disbelief and dismay.

    Millions of people are hearing political figures call for them to be “re-educated” with disbelief and dismay.

    Mr. Bush, do you honestly think that you will remain unscathed when the Pogram begins? You must have a short memory to not realize that much of what they say about Trump they said about you.

  14. ORW Woman
    There was a big liberal show for joe in Atlanta, end of July. Featured speaker was America’s most liberal Pres. He praised BLS and ANTIFA for their peaceful protests; without naming them. Also attacked Don’ agin without naming him.
    He seems to have given his speech to the new JOURNO list; as within hours after his speech all liberal pundits had posts with “Class” in their titles:” “Classy” Bush, “Class Act” Bush, Class President Bush.

  15. Dan Ryan Galt,
    Reading that about Beck, Treacher and Levin isn’t real surprising. We called them never Trumpers, but they truly were always money grubbers who never really loved America or American history. I don’t know what any of them say and haven’t for quite sometime because they showed who they were and I know because I’ve read it on blogs and comment section that they all suddenly became Trump supporters, but imho it was only because they were losing money.

    The whole idea that violence doesn’t solve anything is ignorant. Was all of these people pussies as kids? A bully never left you alone until you beat the crap out of them. Without violence we wouldn’t be a country.
    Plus, outside of the government where was the violence? A few broken windows that were done by Antifa?

    Then all of these idiots saying they violated the law by going into the capitol and should not have done that, why were they locked out, they pay for it. It would be like you went on vacation and someone moved in and changed the locks, well it’s your home you’re breaking into.

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