Still Teflon: The Trump comeback no one’s talking about – IOTW Report

Still Teflon: The Trump comeback no one’s talking about


Former President Donald Trump now enjoys the highest favorability rating among the seven U.S. political leaders tracked in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) polling average, marking a striking political transformation from where he was 15 months ago while leaving office.

Trump has a favorability rating of 45.8%, more than three points higher than President Joe Biden’s rating of 42.6%, according to the RCP average.

The other five political leaders polled — Vice President Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — all have lower favorability numbers than both Trump and Biden.

Trump also has a lower unfavorability rating than all the other figures except for McCarthy and Schumer. (One reason Trump doesn’t have the lowest is both McCarthy and Schumer garner significantly more responses of “don’t know” or “unsure” than Trump.) 

Even with such favorable results for Trump, they may not tell the full story of public support for the 45th president.

Indeed, Trump tends to do better in job approval ratings than favorability ratings. The latter tend to incorporate more personal feelings beyond evaluating a subject’s performance in office. Throughout Trump’s time in the White House, polling showed the public approved of his job as president more than they approved of him as a person. more

11 Comments on Still Teflon: The Trump comeback no one’s talking about

  1. not sure what this ‘poll’ is all about (other than stirring up another bullcrap story for traffic @ RCP)
    why is Trump lumped in w/ a bunch of ‘leaders’ of political parties? Trump has never been a leader of a political party (other than being titular head of the GOP when he was nominee & President). why isn’t Obola or Bad Wittle Willy in the poll? or even Hitlery?

    why? … ’cause Trump sells the story. he’s either the Boogey Man, Emmanuel Goldstein or the Savior of our country, depending on your view.

    again, Trump is not a ‘party’ leader … he’s the leader of a movement
    (& that’s what really scares the crap out of these political ‘leaders’ & their media acolytes)

  2. Yeah no way does any Dem have a real voter rating near The Donald.
    I am eager for DeSantis to be president – but I think Donald has that extra level of character that got him to where he is. I think he can do more in the next 4 years than DeSantis, while giving DeSantis 2 terms to really bring things around.
    I do wish Trump were a bit more consistent though, which DeSantis is.

  3. I strongly support President Trump and consider him our legitimate President however he has made some pretty questionable endorsements of democrat lite so-called republican candidates like that clown Doctor Turkish boy Oz and the other dumb ass in the Ohio Senate Race who voted against him in 2016.

  4. I’m with Wild Bill on this one. I love DeSantis, but the presidency should be returned to Trump. DeSantis is a young POLITICIAN. He will get his shot unless he is as not consistent as he has shown thus far. I’ve already been swooned and swayed by politicians. He will be great for Florida in the meantime, and then when he’s term-limited, will have a full two-years off to run in 2028.
    I want Trump in ’24.

  5. @Wild Bill April 23, 2022 at 10:34 pm

    > Trump is the only real leader I see out there.

    And that is why we’re doomed.

    Whether it is (blamed on) Big Tech(TM) censorship, or The Free West(TM) raping so easy, the biggest star of reality tv’s “Let’s Bribe The Bolsheviks To Like Us”, being — even tolerated as claiming to be a “leader” — means it’s been over for years.

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