Still There are Thousands of Illegal Border Crossings Per Day – IOTW Report

Still There are Thousands of Illegal Border Crossings Per Day

Breitbart: Government reports indicate that more than 1,100 Central American migrants cross illegally per day into the U.S. along the southwest border with Mexico. Breitbart News traveled to the Rio Grande Valley Sector in South Texas where hundreds of migrants cross daily.

Breitbart News’ Border/Cartel Chronicles Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby and journalist Ildefonso Ortiz traveled to the Texas-Mexico border to film groups of Central American migrants as they crossed from Reynosa, Mexico, and entered the U.S. The trip followed reports of hundreds of migrants crossing the border in this sector on a daily basis. Darby and Ortiz interviewed some of the families to learn why they are making the hazardous and costly journey to the U.S.

Following the interviews, Darby and Ortiz discussed the impact these migrants have on keeping wages down for Americans seeking lower-skilled employment. The migrants are currently able to exploit loopholes in U.S. immigration and human trafficking laws by attempting to claim asylum. They also discussed the revenue stream these migrants represent to the Mexican cartels. read more

5 Comments on Still There are Thousands of Illegal Border Crossings Per Day

  1. This is further proof {as if any more were needed} just what disregard and contempt that our politicians have for our wishes. They are well aware that most americans want this flood of illegals stopped but they answer to those who make them wealthy.


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