Still Trust Their Science? – IOTW Report

Still Trust Their Science?

24 Comments on Still Trust Their Science?

  1. It was never about the virus. It was about control. They ordered us to quarantine, to wear masks, to change our lives, and like good little sheep, we did.
    The next order won’t be so easy to accept, but the majority will.

  2. Those who trust (of believe like a religion) science are the same people who wear a mask from a box that specifically states “does not prevent transmission of viruses” to prevent transmission of a virus.

  3. Annual followup yesterday with the cardiologist after my heart attack. He asked if I’d had Covid or the shots. I told him no to both. He asked why not on the shots. I just said no again, forcefully. He dropped it.

  4. The true believers still stick out. The ones riding in there car, alone, with a mask on. The guy riding his bicycle, with a mask on. Anybody, that made their kids wear masks.
    Will the truth ever come out that the rise in reported cases, was the results of inflated, fake testing?

  5. What is the single most politicized “science”?
    – Global warming
    – COVID shutdowns
    – Voting security
    – Racial equity

    Answer: They are all tied for worst place

  6. @ Dave/Geoff

    There is a Japanese Whiskey, Suntory
    It is quite good, but a bit expensive.
    They are not allowed to call it Scotch because is is not from Scotland.
    I personally prefer Scotch, then American Bourbon, & finally Irish whisky.
    Nothing from ChYna!

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