Stockholm Syndrome and Fifty Shades of Gray – IOTW Report

Stockholm Syndrome and Fifty Shades of Gray

Sexual abuse of women and children, and plausibly of male homosexuals, is a standard feature of Jihad. Sexual victimization of wartime slaves is an explicitly stated incentive in the theological doctrine of Jihad, which emerged out of primitive desert warfare in the 6th century.

AT: Stockholm Syndrome was first named in 1973 when a failed bank robbery resulted in four hostages being taken. To the surprise of Stockholm police – and just about everyone else on the planet – the hostages assisted the robbers, defended them to the media, and later refused to testify against them.

This is a real phenomenon among survivors of abuse who have no possibility of escape. It was described by the psychoanalyst Viktor Frankl in Nazi concentration camp inmates, some of whom volunteered to become “Kapos” (KampPolizei), prison guards who wore mock SS uniforms and abused other prisoners on behalf of their captors. Psychologically, Stockholm Syndrome may be an evolutionary adaptation in women and children who are brutalized and sexually attacked for so long that they have no hope of escape.

This psychological phenomenon is also known as “identifying with the aggressor.” It is not unusual in conditions of inescapable abuse, because from a biological point of view, sexual kidnap victims’ only hope for survival is to surrender and show complete and utter submission.

The Swedish surrender of the city of Malmö to Jihad may be an example of Stockholm Syndrome on a large scale. Sweden has celebrated sexual “liberation” for decades, with the results that many Swedes need more and more of a ‘kick” to get the same satisfaction. This kind of addictive escalation is common in human history, as in the Roman emperors who had absolute power, and in the French aristocracy before the French Revolution. The writings of Marquis de Sade provide a famous example.

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8 Comments on Stockholm Syndrome and Fifty Shades of Gray

  1. I believe soros is just an evil bastard that loves power, control and money and effin with free people. It’s just that simple. There’s a lot of that going around these days.

  2. That godforsaken muslim mayor of London will be re-elected in a landslide. Guaranteed. Pathetic Londoners will cling to their PC talisman in vain as they are shorn i of their appendages and lives. Soon, nothing will do but a muslim Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

  3. The only way to counter the takeover is to warn people.
    But in Europe, the Leftists have managed to make it a speech crime to warn your countrymen of the dangers coming from the Islamist Nazis.
    No one can cry a warning, lest they be thrown in jail.
    So most people remain ignorant, until it is too late. The enlightened few are shut down.
    What are you left with?
    The eventual destruction of Europe.

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