Stone Mountain, Georgia (pop. 6,000 and high poverty rate) has received more Muslim migrants than LA and NYC combined – IOTW Report

Stone Mountain, Georgia (pop. 6,000 and high poverty rate) has received more Muslim migrants than LA and NYC combined

PAMELA GELLER: The political elite are conducting their social engineering not where they live, where it might affect their comfortable lives, but in rural areas where the people are poor and powerless to fight back. Shameful.

Stone Mountain, Georgia — a city with just over 6,000 residents and a poverty rate well above the national average — has resettled more Syrian refugees than Los Angeles and New York City combined.


Since October 1 (the start of the fiscal year), 72 Syrian refugees have been placed in Stone Mountain, State Department data shows. Los Angeles has resettled just 45 Syrian refugees, while NYC has only resettled nine.

Syrians aren’t the only refugees placed in Stone Mountain this year. Since October 1, 299 refugees have been resettled in the Georgia town. That’s roughly five percent of Stone Mountain’s July, 2015 population (6,109, according to U.S. Census data).

The largest group of refugees are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which had 83 refugees placed in Stone Mountain.


10 Comments on Stone Mountain, Georgia (pop. 6,000 and high poverty rate) has received more Muslim migrants than LA and NYC combined

  1. must be the democrats want to out number the stone mountain deplorables with more manageable voters.

    you know the ones who don’t cling to their guns, religion and sense of country.

  2. When the DemoRATs get enough third world scum buckets placed where they want them and secure their vote in perpetuity they will have carte blanc power to eliminate the document they hate so much and can then form their socialist utopia without fear of opposition or that nasty constitutional restraint!

  3. Those that own low-income housing benefit from the government subsidies given to these parasites. Same with businesses that hire them. Don’t patronize these businesses. I live in a town that is prime for a muslim invasion and am keeping tabs on the local city council.

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