Stoners are flooding poison control with calls – IOTW Report

Stoners are flooding poison control with calls


US poison control centers experienced a significant increase in marijuana-related calls between 2017 and 2019, according to a new research letter published Monday in the journal JAMA.

“Our findings document that US poison centers are increasingly receiving calls about adverse events associated with exposures to manufactured cannabis products,” the report’s authors wrote.

The researchers are placing the blame on legalization efforts in a growing number of states, including New York.

“Higher rates in legal states suggest that continued increases may be expected with adult cannabis use legalization in more states,” the scientists wrote. more

26 Comments on Stoners are flooding poison control with calls

  1. …they never keep it down to one drug, either. They drink booze and toke, or coke and toke, or someone mixes something exciting like opiods like they’re trying to get some counterbalance, but that’s not how the pharmacology shakes out.

    Plus the pot screws up your short-term memory if it’s any good, so you might overdose on your pills because you forgot you took some a few minutes ago.

    …and that’s BEFORE you get into the toxins it might be cut with like the chemicals used to produce Shatter, the ever-popular Fentanyl, or just the fungus that may infect the pot that is also toxic to humans, and all that assumes your dealer isn’t giving you ACTUAL garden weeds that may be deadly just because he doesn’t really care if you live or die as long as he gets the cash up front…

  2. We are never going to see the rise of super-high-potency THC products as a possible contribution for the increased violence. Although a lot of young men are using these daily now.

  3. Legalization of marijuana was the final death blow to Oregon. Once growing was legalized, a whole new hoard of slackers moved in. I ran into one at Coastal Farm Supply a few weeks back. Tats on every part of exposed skin, including face and neck, shopping cart filled with irrigation supplies, talking on his cell in a loud voice with a slight accent (Louisiana?) about his crop. Paid cash for his stuff.

  4. If you’re buying it off the street, no telling what you’re going to get. If you buy it from a legal dispensary, you aren’t going to get anything that going to be illegal and toxic. People get stoned drunk on booze, pass out, get belligerent and beat their kids. Vaporized liquids (3.8%) I guess is the way to go since only 3.8% got overloaded on vaping cannabis. People take a couple of hits and they don’t feel anything. Then they take 4 more hits off the bong, and while the other 2 is just taking effect, the next 4 is going to get you really mellowed out. People start freaking because they’re so mellow and think something isn’t right instead of relaxing and rolling with it. Don’t buy stuff off the street is the best advice.

  5. To echo and expand on what GoldenFoxx said, unless you grow your own, you don’t know what that “stuff” you just bought is laced with. Good luck!

  6. I suspect the majority of the calls to poison control are related to children ingesting edibles. Stupid brain-dead pot heads leave their shit laying around and their kids eat it. Happens a lot around here.

  7. What are these people trying to do, harsh my mellow? Ain’t my fault they’re freaking out after over-toking. Not that they should be toking in the first place.
    Morons, did you really think you needed to smoke the whole bag? Add in a 6 pack, and projectile vomiting is soon to follow.

  8. I don’t get it – what in their lives is so stressful they need to use a drug to relax?
    Today’s stuff is so stinky that it clings to the user.
    IT STINKS, people. Ugly stink. If you use it, YOU stink.
    Don’t. Take a little jog, put on some music you like, have a cup of tea.
    Don’t use drugs.


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