Stop Eating! Save Money! – IOTW Report

Stop Eating! Save Money!


29 Comments on Stop Eating! Save Money!

  1. Brad, just this morning I was reminiscing about reading a newspaper with my coffee.
    Sunday morning was always a joy with such a thick, voluminous edition.
    That tradition died just a few years back and I miss it.
    It had to die because the MSM killed it dead, and then killed it some more.

  2. Oh come on man! Take your tin foil hat off, go to NBC, ABC CNN etc… & just soak it all in. Make sure to make a Tic-tok video so it’s well documented when your head explodes. This way your China bros can watch too.

  3. sound like a re-make of that old commercial-‘when you eat too well, die’
    with all the water testing going on right now, maybe someone should hop on over to the wsj and check their coolers

  4. @ Brad FEBRUARY 16, 2023 AT 4:36 PM

    It happened suddenly for me in the 1980’s, 1895 to be exact. I tolerated their bullshit until the day they reported on a drive by shooting in which the perp used a semi-automatic assault pistol. I sent them letter asking them to define “semi-automatic assault pistol” and they never responded. I haven’t given them a dime since.

  5. How about we start with eliminating ALL “food stamp” programs and replace them with a 35 lb bag of rice and similar bag of beans per four individuals per month and free govt cheese until they are back on their feet? …and if they can’t figure out how to make it work, given they have all day to suit on their ass and think about it they can fuck the fuck off. There were periods in my life when I did exactly that instead of going to the government with my hands out. Trust me, it’s a strong motivator to get off your ass.

  6. @ Toenex FEBRUARY 16, 2023 AT 5:06 PM

    ObamaCare purposely drove healthcare prices higher for anyone who actually works to pay for their own healthcare. That being said, Faith Healing and Leaches have a better record against Covid than the official prescription w/o the collateral damage of massively increasing the chances of “died suddenly.”

  7. RE the msm.

    There’s a couple independent journalists that post on GAB. They’re on the ground in Ohio. We’re being lied to again. That place is in deep shit. They grow a lot of food around there. Well they use to anyway.

  8. I subscribe to the WSJ and I could not find that article anywhere, even using the advanced search parameters. And since Def-Con News did not provide links I am left with the strong possibility that the whole thing was made up to boost clicks.

    Do not believe everything you read, which seems pretty obvious on its face.

  9. Loco – as a kid we would come back from church on Sunday morning and pick up the Plain Dealer at the local Pharmacy and Soda Shop then spend the rest of Sunday morning curled up smelling and reading the paper. The smell of newsprint brings back those old memories… like huffing a mimeographed worksheet that the teacher would hand out in school back in 1964! Ahhh the old memories!

  10. More leftist conditioning and compulsive disclosure of the diabolical oligarchy plot to starve the “masses” to reduce the world population.
    Also, to eliminate those who won’t comply with globalist mandates. The left love the deadly games they play.
    Conservatives need to use the left’s paranoia against them. Keep reminding the left we out number them and always will. Reality- the left’s control is very fragile and they know it.

  11. @Rich Taylor, I found the article in 10 seconds. To save money skip breakfast
    https://www.wsj. /livecoverage/cpi-report-today-january-2023-inflation/card/to-save-money-maybe-you-should-skip-breakfast-fSd6mz0miaAPhUFb2jgy
    Put the ‘com’ after wsj

  12. @Rich Taylor I found the WSJ article in 10 seconds by googling’ save money and don’t eat breakfast’ Links cannot be posted here.

    Here’s a look:
    Feb 14, 2023 at 10:10 am ET
    To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast
    By Gabriel T. Rubin

  13. Back in 2015 Mother Jones had this to say.
    Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
    Dogmatic adherence to mealtimes is anti-science, racist, and might actually be making you sick.

    Kiera Butler
    Senior Editor

    Kooks, all of them


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