Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them – IOTW Report

Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them

hanging out

Over the past few years, many social observers have noted that young adults are dating less. Instead, dating is being replaced by “hanging out” with members of the opposite sex. Dating and hanging out are two completely different things.

Hanging out consists of people getting together in groups and doing stuff together. It could be going to a club, a restaurant, or just staying home and playing Wii. The atmosphere is relaxed and relations among opposite sexes never rises above the level of friendship (or friendship with benefits). There is nothing wrong with hanging out, but it is not a replacement for dating.

Dating consists of pairing off with someone in a temporary commitment so you can get to know the person better and perhaps start a long term relationship with them.  more here

17 Comments on Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them

  1. Commitment!?!
    That is a cis-normative reinforcement of repressive culture.
    Hang, have fun, if one of those annoying “baby” cists start growing in her, just have it flushed down the sink.
    Embrace the nothing! No love, no commitment, just you. Alone after the boys of summer have gone.
    The joys of futile nihilism are boundless!

  2. One of the reasons I retired from dating is that none of the loserino men out there do it anymore.

    A walk in the park is NOT a date.

    Playing Scrabble in Mommy and Daddy’s house is NOT a date.

    And the assholes who propose these things to me, at the age of 58, are NOT men.

    They’re paunchy, balding adolescents. I don’t especially want to breathe their air.

  3. My 30-something daughters opened my eyes when they were in high school. “Talking” meant flirting. “Hanging Out” was dating without acknowledgement. From that point, you had to be “boyfriend/girlfriend”; i.e., going steady.

    Heaven forbid going on a “date” with different guys because you were labeled a slut.


    And another thing about these past few generations (X,Y,Z whatever)…..why would a guy want to buy a cow when he can get the milk for free?


  4. What the heck is “dating without acknowledgement”?!?

    I mean, dating without COMMITMENT, I understand.
    (It also describes too much of my earlier life…sigh)

    I mean: if “slut” – dating a few guys – is bad…what the heck is A REAL SLUT who F*CKS ALL THE GUYS?!

    What am I missing?!?
    Not that it matters at my age, jclady…but…Y’KNOW?!?

  5. Brave New World- social hookups, no true commitments, selected procreation, nobody having to get real with themselves. Child-like state. Adversity? Pop a Soma!
    Non committal, totally socialized, no desire to express each individual expression, EXCEPT for sexual.
    Can you see the strange social conflict we’ll have when you have co-existing monogamous hetero-relationships and the male and female non-committal ho’s?

  6. Problem is, most men now a days are either testosterone loaded meat-heads who can’t talk about anything but sports and guns, or are just pansies trying to please a feminist. There are few real Gentlemen who wooed our Mothers into marriage like in the past. That’s a sad commentary on our society.

  7. Right on! And those few gentlemen have been kicked to the curb and ‘friendzoned” by women who SAY they want a gentleman; but then go date the meat-heads. Ain’t that right, fellas?? 😀

  8. Yup. Who has the money to go thru that 30-40 times before finding, maybe, some not just out for week-end freebies ’til his account is overdrawn?
    As Trump just said there are 100 million of the US workforce not working… and many of the rest of us can barely survive on the part-time checks we do get.
    So, “Ladies”, ENJOY your “liberation” and just shut the fudge up.

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