Stop hyperventilating over this weak shit – IOTW Report

Stop hyperventilating over this weak shit

Take off your masks, stop letting people poke you with useless fluids and go live your damn lives!

Dr. Kory is korrect.
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20 Comments on Stop hyperventilating over this weak shit

  1. Best to wait till after the holidays, unless you like getting sick.
    Delta & omicron are both are around right now. Murder, thems strong words, but just my family members for right now.

  2. I see where Twister has backpedaled on banning people who say that the vaccinated can spread the virus. Now they’re banning people who say that the vaccinated can spread the vaccine.

    I know, right? Who says that at all?

  3. Yes, the vaccinated do spread their cooties and even that dumb Fauci admitted it. Covid is nothing but a flu. They never even isolated it. I don’t know what this thing is that the vaccinated are now passing back and forth. Something bad from the vaccine, I suspect.

    Eat well and take your vitamins and build up your immune system. If you do get it, you have a 99.997% chance of surviving it. They want you to live in fear. Don’t let them dictate anything else to you and tell them to kiss off.

  4. What Cheryl said.

    Although I finally had two people who I know directly get c19 and they have turned the corner, thankfully. They were Triple Dog sick! But I would add that they weren’t any worse than someone who has a severe case of ‘flu. We’ve had Type A Sydney strain (H3N2) in ’98/’99 which nearly sent us to the hospital (103 degree temps, vicious coughing that lasted a month, weak as a kitten, etc.) I think if I had that same ‘flu today, it would be touch and go.

  5. ^ That H3N2 is the original “Hong Kong flu” that hit in the late ’60’s and early ’70’s. I got it then and again in early 2016. It’s nasty because it takes so long for a body to beat it (a month is typical) as it continues to mutate rapidly inside you. I could tell in 2016 that “I’d had it before” because it had the same symptoms but didn’t flatten me like it did when I was 20. The but in the original outbreak was B A D.

  6. General Malaise — I was curious about acquired ‘flu immunity, because I’ve been hearing and reading that once you’ve had a particularly virulent ‘flu, you generally have life-long immunity to that strain and it’s “main” epitodes, even if it mutates.

    What I learned is there have been a lot of studies looking at the age of the person when they got the ‘flu and what type — as a child. It seems — or so they think — that there are demarcation years in which one prevalent ‘flu type give one generation of children life-long immunity (or near immunity), but that immunity does not protect against an entirely new strain. Scientists who have studied this seem to agree on a pronounced demarcation as pre-1968 and post-1968. Another one occurred, I think, in 2005.

    Anyway, unless you’re familiar with the testing and molecular make-up of ‘flu viruses and how they interact with the human (or animal) body, there’s a very steep learning curve to it all. And, actually, even after figuring out the basics, you come down to the same quasi-conclusion the researchers have reached: between influenza’s ability to mutate and make-up of each person’s immune system — developed over their lifetime — one can only say with any certainty that each case of ‘flu’s interaction with each person is nearly as unique as a fingerprint; which is why even “exact” vaccines (vaccines that have everything they need to meet the virus completely) do not have a 100% effectiveness. IOW, the general population only shares about the same percentage of immunity to any given virus at the percentage rate that any vaccine is effective in preventing that given virus.

    Pretty fascinating stuff.

    BTW: H3N2 killed about 65,000 people in the U.S. in ’98/’99.

    Of the millions who died of Spanish ‘flu in 1918, 50% were young, healthy children and young adults. And yet here’s covid with almost zero deaths among the same groups.

    I cannot understand why anyone in the field of science or medicine would want to introduce covid to a healthy population via “vaccine”, even if there were no serious side effects.

  7. Coof is not the flu. I don’t know what this thing is… but I just can’t help myself because I have a big fat mouth. Some people just don’t know how to keep from sticking their 2 cents into something they have no knowledge of. Please stop telling people what the f to do, don’t dictate & kiss off.

  8. And Alec Baldwin has still killed more people than omicron variant.

    And p.s. it is complete balderdash these statistics on Delta, or Xi, or little-O. It is a complete propaganda campaign as they can barely determine one covid structure, and aren’t spending the time or money on people who come in to get the nose swab. The PCR tests were never intended to be diagnostic, and can’t tell them apart.

  9. Willy, that’s true. But it is a virus that appears to be vascular in nature. And why NO ONE knows exactly what it is, is terrible. Billions of dollars paid into all sorts of research and no one yet has described it completely. Making “vaccines” for something nobody can completely describe ….????!

    The real crime is that they are killing people by not allowing early off-label use of Ivmtn and hqz, etc. These are known, virtually side-effect free, extremely low cost, and EFFECTIVE.

    What is the difference between withholding effective treatment and systematically shipping people off to the gas chambers?

  10. Some are claiming that Omicron acts a lot like a common Corona virus cold. I like the sound of that.

    On the other hand, the censorship of the medical profession on the effects of the fake vaccines continues, leading me to think the Fauci-Gates-Pfizer-Moderna-J&J (etc.) clan isn’t done.

    Nor are the Democrats and the media – being married to them and XI (and their money) for whatever reason(s).

    The actual war may yet come right at the point when the virus would naturally fade into the background.

  11. I can agree there has been some kind of virus as I knew before it supposedly was here and really before there was much talk about it that it was some kind of new virus, I blamed it on the illegals when we got it.

    The problem is it doesn’t seem as if any of the experts know anymore than I do and neither has anyone isolated it. Their tests have been a joke, their jabs have been a deadly joke and they have used it to try and bring the new world order or have used it as a preview to the mark of the beast or maybe the beginning of the end times.

    All I know for sure is not one single person I know personally or acquaintances have died from it, but that’s not true when it comes to the death jabs. So I have not and will not comply with any of their bullshit, masks, jabs, cards or yellow stars, they can go to hell.


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