STOP IRAN Rally – IOTW Report


September 1st, 2015: Let Barack Obama know how you feel about a nuclear deal with Iran by showing support for the common sense and rationale view that we as a nation cannot negotiate with terrorists!


5 Comments on STOP IRAN Rally

  1. I haven’t seen this anywhere yet. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, passed by Congress, requires that the President turn over all parts of the agreement for review, including all side deals (pages 50-51). We know there are “secret” side deals between the IAEA and Iran. This makes the Review Act void, so to override a presidential veto will not take 67 votes as the act specifies.

  2. I think Obama will just ignore that and it will pass regardless of any law to the contrary. Also, will we be allowed to bring those black ISIS flags to the rally and burn them ? Does anybody know ??

  3. Is there really a disillusional person left, who thinks that Obama gives a flying F… what anyone thinks about anything he does? He is the definition of a solipist.

    From Websters Dictionary:
    : a theory holding that the self can knownothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing; also :extreme egocentrism

  4. The “Agreement” is meaningless, because there is no agreement. The traitors Obola and Kerry are simply telling Rouhani that he can do anything he damn well pleases, and the US won’t get involved, except to stop Israeli missiles. Iran has had people in our Nuclear Engineering schools for over 30 years. This is NOT speculation on my part. The Manhattan Project lasted 4 years and produced Fat Man and Little Boy – the Iranians have been at it for 30 years and the physics was all figured out decades before they started. They don’t have to “re-invent the wheel” they have only to “monkey see-monkey do.”

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