From the VERY ESTEEMED Health Care EXPERT C Steven Tucker.
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Just another housekeeping note. Another way to get blocked from my page is to come on my wall and burp up the LIE that Donald J. Trump wants “Single Payer” health care. Trump’s health care policy proposals are
clearly outlined (among other places) in chapter 8 of his book Time To Get Tough.
They include:
1.) Repeal of the McCarren Ferguson Act (selling across state lines)
2.) Expansion of HSAs
3.) “Making sure most Americans have access to PRIVATE health insurance in a vibrant and competitive market.”
4.) Reform of our Veterans Administration health care system etc…

All one needs to do is read chapter 8. When Trump calls for “Universal Health Care” he means everyone covered. I am for Universal healthcare as well. I want everyone covered as well. How you do that is what counts and Trump does NOT want Single Payer as he stated quite clearly in this WSJ interview.

If there is one thing I cannot STAND it is intellectual LAZINESS. Do the damned research necessary to acquire an INFORMED opinion or shut the hell up!

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61 Comments on STOP LYING that TRUMP is for SINGLE PAYER. It’s NOT TRUE!

  1. Trump proudly admits that he is as successful and rich as he is because he lied to politicians to get his way. He bought them, coddled them and praised them so he could get wealthy.

    When did he get his epiphany and stop lying to get what he wants?

  2. Drives me NUTS when people repeat this LIE. Worse yet, I’m a delegate for a man who repeated this LIE all the way to his win in Iowa. Maddening! All you have to do is read ONE chapter of his book “Time to get tough” and there will be no ambiguity as to Trump NOT wanting anything that even comes CLOSE to “Single Payer”. The ignorance of the American electorate on health care policy is truly disturbing and the willingness for far too many Americans to just repeat a lie without fact checking is even more disturbing.

  3. He certainly has ‘evolved’ on many issues, including this one.
    It is not unreasonable to suspect that his ‘evolution’ will continue after he is elected.
    Surprisingly, there are actually people that think him driven by principles rather than polls. I am not condemning him for that, all politicians do it.
    Getting the Trumpetts to admit that Trump is not perfect is all but impossible.
    It is a shame, really, as in the end, pushing Trump into the cult of personality box with Obama and Bernie is not a viable route to the White house.

  4. Mr. P — Those who deliberately lie about a number of Trump’s positions on issues as well as continually repeat idiotic statements like “He called Iowan’s stupid!” are doing so in order to smear him. When people tell people this stuff, they rob them of their right to vote based on truthful information. It’s one thing to win them to your candidate based on your own candidate’s appeal, it’s quite another to obstruct the process by lying to people. Generally, lies are only necessary when your candidate is weak on issues. Ultimately, it shows a deep contempt for others.

    What angers me the most about the whole thing is that the person who expects truthfulness is dismissed as naive and stupid and merits taking advantage of. I feel badly for the many people who caucused in Iowa for the first time, walked into a mess and were fleeced of their votes by some slick operators.

  5. Thanks for the validation.
    You have nothing, so you attack Cruz.
    I don’t dislike Trump, and I think Cruz shouldn’t be president on the ‘natural born’ issue, just as Obama should not have.
    I do, however, believe that many Trump supporters (like you guys) are harming him by not pushing him away from areas where he is wrong.
    That is exactly why he said he could shoot someone in the street and idiots would still support him.
    He is saying exactly what I am saying.
    If you want him to win, listen to him. I believe he wants your support and input, not adoration.

  6. I’m the first one to say Trump is not perfect. FAR FROM IT. Trump is my ENTHUSIASTIC GOP PUNISHMENT VOTE for the years of getting JERKED around by SO-CALLED CONSERVATIVES/POLITICIANS.
    If I get a WALL and enforced Immigration out of him, I am a HAPPY AMERICAN.

  7. Menderman, the pending investigation has exactly zilch to do with Trump. The folks in the Iowa Election Commision warned Cruz after that threatening mailer. And he slapped them in the face twice more. I think you are to infatuated to make a sound judgement. And JohnS is so hypnotized I’m not even trying. Facts are facts boys.

  8. Does he still want the Federal government administering the purchase of the “private” health care? …as he’s stated previously.

    Why would anyone think we need a Fed Gov agency to sell private health insurance?

  9. It wouldn’t be an issue had Trump not danced around the issue like a politician. Add to that the fact that he was for it before he was supposedly against it and you have the issue we have today.

    I am tired of people labelling this guy some sort of new thing when in fact he is a retread of the same old thing.

  10. Hey….as long as any individual American isn’t FORCED to participate (i.e. the MANDATE / FINE), then whatever.

    Nobody should ever be forced to pay or otherwise participate in a service they don’t want to participate in.

  11. Oh, and no politician EVER lies?!?
    That sounds like like the other side of the argument,
    “…but, what if he doesn’t keep his promises?”
    Campaigns. Are. Campaigns.

  12. It’s starting to look like
    LYING followed by DENIAL
    are becoming trademarks of the Cruz Campaign:

    “I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling today– a push poll against Trump. I looked up TPC, and it’s owned by Kellyanne Conway, who works for Cruz”.

    The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They (recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “was that a good idea”?

    Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad, and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.

    After that, the call disconnected.

  13. I know! I read his book, Crippled America, and in chapter 7, “Health Care Is Making Us All Sick”, he details his visions for health care. NO where does he advocate for single payer, or a system that is one forced on us compelling our participation. On healthcare Trump says,” The government doesn’t belong in healthcare except as the very last resort. The main way the government should be involved is to make sure the insurance companies are financially strong in case of catastrophic event, or miscalculation.”

    Cruz is not being truthful. I suspect Cruz is fully aware of Trumps real position, yet continues to be untruthful.

  14. Woody, he is “new” in the respect that he is the first candidate (of a major party) that isn’t owned by, or 100% in alignment and agreement with the uniparty. Both the Republicans and Democrats (including the media, but that’s redundant) hate him. THAT is why he has my vote.

    Even if he was 100% liberal I would still vote for him just for that reason.

    If we end up with Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Clinton, Sanders, or any of the rest we will just have another term of the same.

    Did ya ever wonder why Obama has renewed George W. Bush’s 2008 budget every year he’s been in office? Did ya ever wonder why after the Republicans took the house in 2010 and the Senate in 2014 that nothing changed? Ever wonder why they did nothing to stop Obama? Because they’re all on the same team. They all have the exact same agenda. For the last few decades whole “Republican” and “Democrat” thing is just kabuki theater to give the ignorant masses the illusion that they’re making a choice.

  15. I think it may be that persons who have never wanted for the money to have the very best healthcare don’t really invest in understanding “single payer”… compassionate people think it sounds like it will help a lot of people, and at first that’s the only thing they consider. When that person is put into the position where they have to examine all aspects of it honestly, then asked, “would you FORCE this on a largely unwilling population?”, that person would likely realize that the one size fits all is a very poor system, particularly for such a large country.

    Especially a capitalist.

  16. “If there is one thing I cannot STAND it is intellectual LAZINESS. Do the damned research necessary to acquire an INFORMED opinion or shut the hell up!”

    They are not lazy about doing the research. They willfully chose to lie to themselves and others because the end justifies the means.

    Exactly like repeating that Trumps position, or even a comment on something TEN YEARS AGO means he absolutely has not moved off of that position, and never will. Because he is Trump. Just that reason ~ because he is Trump.

  17. Another Trump endorsement that screams establishment willing to “cross the aisle”. Seems Jimmy Carter chooses Trump over Cruz and has an interesting reason for his choice.

    “The reason is, Trump has proven already he’s completely malleable,” Carter explained. “I don’t think he has any fixed (positions) he’d go the White House and fight for. On the other hand, Ted Cruz is not malleable. He has far right wing policies he’d pursue if he became president.”

  18. Just curious, but when did Cruz support the TPA?

    He supported “Fast Track”, which seems to have been more a strategic move to prevent Democrats from using the eventual vote of the TPA as a vehicle to add amendments that could change American law based on what was negotiated by Obama.

    But according to what I found, once Cruz knew what was in the final TPA that Obama presented to Congress he voted against it.

  19. WOODY, it’s ALL ABOUT “plausible deniability” for a sleazy politician….

    SO: to answer your question:::

    * Elected November 2012
    * Took office January 2013
    * Fought ObamaCare February to Sept 2013

    * October 2013 – Cruz modifies his relationships within the Senate and joins NRSC and begins giving money from his leadership PAC to GOPe operatives.

    * January 2014 – Cruz announces he will not support any challengers in ’14 mid-term elections.

    * March/April 2014 – Cruz supporting Mitch McConnell.

    * June 2014 – McConnell’s full back-stabbing reaches sunlight over McDaniels in Mississippi and protection of Thad Cochran.

    * July/August 2014 – Cruz says he doesn’t support McConnell any longer, yet remains on NRSC.

    * December ’14 Post election announces he’s leaving the NRSC.

    * Feb/March ’15 Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested TPP trade deal.

    * April ’15 Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan

    * May ’15 Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby ensuring its passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.

    * May ’15 Becomes first candidate to announce presidential bid.

    * June/July ’15 – Votes against his own TPA bill (plausible deniability) even though the rider he created ensures its passage.

  20. I prefer my President to be American – and nothing but an American.

    I like Donald Trump. He is an accomplished businessman. Budgets have meaning to him. They don’t to politicians. He is an outsider. Trump shakes things up in ways no other GOP-er does. I’m looking for someone who will restore the Republic. That requires combating the current political establishment at a level that they have never seen before.

    I am not looking for a purist. Or a preacher. I do not support Trump because….

    The Dems will support a candidate that will FIX our IMMIGRATION problem in our COUNTRY.
    Hellllllooooo McFly!?

  22. So Anonymous, a candidate that the establishment of BOTH parties think is malleable and someone they can get what they want is electable.

    Trust me, it will NOT be a landslide even though you dream of one. IF Trump is the nominee I doubt he could win against the prisoner much less the socialist. I predict here that if Trump is the nominee he will immediately pivot on you and you will suddenly be making excuses for why he had to do such an action in order to win.

    Also if we are doomed by a Trump nomination and IF he actually manages to win the Presidency I can’t wait to hear the excuses for why touchback amnesty is NOT amnesty and why having the wall with unlimited visas for Mexicans is just what folks like you were actually supporting when you supported Trump.

  23. Czar of Defenestration,

    Your timeline screams conspiracy theory. A lot of supposition, but no real proof. And what really gets me about the timeline is the fact that it confirms what I proffered as what I could find on Cruz’s position on the TPA.

    The only addition is the open letter that you say supports TPA, but that I did not find in a search. What publication or place was this letter published?

    So again, when did Cruz vote in favor of TPA? Not “fast track”, which is a usually step for any treaty, but the actual treaty itself?

  24. A person with principles that they are unwilling to bend of abandon is not someone you can break. A person who is malleable and willing to bend his principles or ethics is a person who follows the wind, has shallow roots, and is easily washed away with the current of the culture.

    You assume that “his way” is your way. You also assume that “his way” is NOT the establishment’s way. I fear your assumptions will be the end of many characteristics that make America Great. When Trump says he wants to make it Great again, he is using his definition of great and NOT what truly makes it great.

  25. Woody, your MISunderstanding of Trump’s immigration stand (GO TO HIS SITE AND READ IT, PLEASE!) is as bad as the theme of this thread: THE LIE THAT TRUMP OSTENSIBLY WANTS “Single Payer.”

  26. Woody, I don’t need to assume that every politician we have elected since Reagan has sold us down the river and I got news for you pal. Cruz is no different. You can’t get different results by doing the same thing over and over. Trumps not part of the establishment that’s been in charge for way to long. He’s got my vote.


    So here we have several different opinions as to what the Donald believes
    Is he or isn’t he Conservative?

    Answer? We cannot say and we won’t ever be able to say
    And thus, what other reason can there be to vote for the guy since Conservatism cannot be placed in his column

  28. Donald Trump gets my vote because the current “Conservatives” in power are NOT CONSERVATIVE!
    If we get a wall and enforced immigration I’m a happy American. Cheers!

  29. John Nolte of Breitbart HATES Trump. That’s why HE SPLASHES the FALSE HEADLINE – “TRUMP SINGLE PAYER” and the bullshit continues for the uninformed voter.
    I have a question for all those that spread the other bullshit that Trump is FOR amnesty.
    What other candidate is STOPPING LEGAL Immigration altogether? It’s just an IDIOTIC TWIST. What don’t you get?
    WE kick out all the ILLEGALS.
    They all get back on line to enter the country LEGALLY.
    A good percentage of those stay back in their home.
    Another percentage don’t get back in because of criminal records and the ones that want to work, pay taxes and love America get back in. It’s called LEGAL IMMIGRATION. What’s the problemo?

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