Stop setting your hair on fire! – IOTW Report

Stop setting your hair on fire!

Patriot Retort: I had Twitter open on my computer as I listened to President Trump’s Rose Garden speech earlier. And I have to say, the rate at which Trump supporters were setting their hair on fire was pretty impressive.

Wow, the burning outrage.

I was practically choking on the stench of burning hair it was so bad.

In fact, I haven’t seen people on Twitter melt down that much since, well, Saturday.

Except instead of “Oh, my God! He smirked!!!!” we were served a heaping helping of “Oh, my God! He caved!!!!!”

“Trump betrayed his base!”

“This is his ‘Read My Lips’ moment!!!”

“He’s through!!!!!!!!”

I love it that some of the same Trump supporters, who were just five days ago lecturing folks on Twitter about jumping into hysteria without knowing all the facts, are now jumping straight into hysteria without knowing all the facts.

It’s adorable!

Speaking of setting things on fire, I’m sure there will be a fair amount of “Burning my MAGA hat” videos on social media over the next day or so.

You know, like when Trump fired missiles at Syria and the same folks setting their hair on fire today were setting their hair on fire because they were done with Trump (DONE WITH HIM!) over Syria.

Listen, this isn’t Dianny giving you some “trust the plan,” “4-D chess” rigmarole. But for crap’s sake, calm the heck down.

Let’s look at the facts on the ground.

We had dual votes in the Senate yesterday, neither of which passed the 60-vote threshold.

And though Congressional Democrats are beginning to break ranks and agree that voting for some kind of barrier funding has to happen, they were twitchy over how long the shutdown was lasting.

Nancy, Chuck and the assorted redshirt ensign Democrats have said repeatedly that they would be happy to negotiate if only the shutdown would end and those poor, pitiful Federal employees whom they care so much about could get back to work.

Today, Trump called their bluff, but with a time-limit.

You want to negotiate once the folks get back to work, fine. You have three weeks now in which to do just that. And if you can’t do it, he’ll declare a national emergency and get the border secure.

He did this on national television for Americans to see.


What’s more, because the news media thinks this is a huge loss for President Trump, they will play segments of that Rose Garden address over and over and over ensuring even more Americans will see it.

Now, if the Democrats renege and prove to be the unscrupulous snakes that they are (and they will), the American people will see with their own eyes just how friggin’ worthless and dishonest the Democrats in Congress are.

But I don’t think that’s the only reason Trump did this.

I think it all comes down to those thirty-odd freshmen Democrats in the House who are going wobbly.


36 Comments on Stop setting your hair on fire!

  1. I’m not going to lie, I was not, and am not happy about this. However, I’m not a part of the discussions so I can’t pretend to know what is taking place behind the scenes. All I know for sure is that I didn’t lose all my hair in the fire. It may be gone after the next one though.

  2. Personally, I’m not ready to discard Trump.
    He has usually had another card up his sleeve.
    If I am wrong….it won’t much matter as this country will slid into the abyss.
    Yet, I still have faith in Trump as I believe he is a great negotiator.

  3. Brad, I can’t name anyone. I still think Trump is great, still have his mag stickers on my truck. I would have liked to have seen him run this out past the 29th, when the SOTU would have been given. He could have given an alternative speech on that day and maybe won over some libs without giving chancy the propaganda win that they just got.

  4. As usual, Dianny and MJA nail it dead center! Just wait! Three weeks – and an impeccable excuse to use executive power? Most of us can stand on our heads that long, especially after all those years of 41-44 screwing the country over.

  5. I don’t see how anybody can call this a cave. Chancy demanded the Government open before they would negotiate. Who owns the next shutdown? There’s still no bugdet. He has veto power. How are those Freshman Law Makers going to react as we enter another shut down in three weeks? I see this as a win win. A great tactical move.

  6. We’ll see in three weeks.

    Even the greatest poker player has to play the cards he has, and right now there are a lot of shitty ones sitting in Congress.

    (By the way, there was not going to be any SOTU on January 29, nor any time soon.)

  7. I detest reading or hearing cut-and-run rabbit “patriots” who lose what little faith they have at the snap of a twig and fearfully jump out of the warren and into the waiting nets of our enemies. And I’m not entirely sure, but I seem to detect that they are the same ones who begrudgingly voted for POTUS Trump but with each MAGA win tried to convince everyone that they *always knew* he would be a great president. But anytime they can’t understand or allow that this president may know something they don’t that informs his decisions, they cry out like the Israelites did against Moses — “Bread again? Nothing but bread?! We’re sick of bread!” Be careful, you don’t want to end up like Miriam!

  8. The Dude, (Trump) knew more going in than the hack two party system ever wanted to be exposed. That’s why he’s so hated on and opposed. The shutdown demonstrates how worthless ‘justified’ taxpayer funded the real welfare system is. Hundreds of thousands UN-employable trash who’s jobs were created for a vote. Is why democrats continue to seek illegal votes,,,

  9. What happens if the Democrats get wise and bring Trump and offer that gives him at least part of a wall but demands in return something we do not want him to give? Then the tables have been turned and he will be on the spot to give it up because of the three weeks. It would be very hard for him at that point to walk away declare a national emergency anyway. We’d never hear the end of it.

    Just thinking worst case scenario here.

  10. To soothe the “Panties in a bunch! Nuttin’s evah gonna happin! We’re all doomed!” crowd:

    In 21 days President @realDonaldTrump is moving forward building the wall with or without the Democrats. The only outstanding question is whether the Democrats want something or nothing – Sarah Sanders


    I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races! – President Donald J Trump

  11. I’m not too worried that Trump is going to lose his base as the dems dream of, there is nowhere else to go. Most are just frustrated with the stalemate while all the while invaders continue to pour across the border.
    What most want is an unrecoverable and devastating blow struck against the left’s leadership for their treachery and we still don’t see anything close to that. We want minds changed and a return to some kind of sanity and all we really see is all normality and tradition barely holding it own.

  12. …In Canto III of Dante’s Inferno, when speaking of the indecisive forever trapped in the vestibule of Hell, Virgil says thus;

    “The heavens expelled them, not to be less fair;
    Nor them the nethermore abyss receives,
    For glory none the damned would have from them.”
    -Dante, “Inferno”, Canto 3

    …the point for this thread being, that Heaven denies Hell even scraps of glory, as the Devil is not worthy of ANY glory, and so withholds even these from Hell so the demons can’t do a victory dance over them.

    …I guess, even if it’s our President playing a long game, at the end of the day we’re just tired of the Demons of the Democrat Party being given one occasion after another to glory over us, it just emphasizes the injustice and rubs even more salt in the wounds.

    We’re just tired of it. It’s gone on far too long.

    God bless President Trump. I surely do hope He is guiding him in this.

  13. My heart was bleeding for the poor federal workers who were forced to beg for leftovers in the same restaurants where not long ago, they had proudly harassed republicans eating dinner. Thank you PDT for making sure they never have to learn to code.

  14. Second verse same as the first a little bit louder and a little bit worse, SIGH!
    Well, I guess if they are still trying to negotiate the end of World War I after 100 years have passed we can patiently wait another 100 years to get the border wall approved!

  15. So the dems will dicker and declare walls sinful and dig their feet in further and offer nothing, but another 3 week extension. They aren’t serious about border security, they’ve never been serious about border security and they never will be serious about border security. Which seems like firm ground for declaring a national emergency.

    In the meantime, House dems are going to do all they can to set impeachment into motion. I doubt the majority in the nation are going to be willing to put up with their BS for much longer.

  16. I lost faith in Trump when he jumped on the gun control bandwagon.

    He took a freedom away from me at his own personal directive.

    I suppose he thought it would make him popular among the Democrats, but recent developments don’s seem to indicate it.

    Now he’s backed down on the wall after making it a defining absolute issue, Pelosi got what she wanted and demanded, Trump got nothing. I suppose the better man won.

  17. We don’t need a three week test to determine the Dems aren’t trustworthy.
    Congress has had two years (and run by Repubs!) to get this done.
    What the hell makes anyone think the Dems will accomplish what we want in another three weeks?
    Trump shoulda fired the ATC people that didn’t show yesterday. That was the straw that broke the elephant’s back. Reagan did, and that worked out fine for him.
    When Trump declares an Emergency, the usual suspects will have had three weeks to prepare their court cases. If he ignores the court and starts to build the wall, they has a valid reason to impeach him. And too many RINO’s will be happy to go along.
    Trump may be a great businessman, but he’s not a politician. This time he’s backed into a corner. Chuncy and company have decades experience running DC.
    If I were in his shoes, I’d told Nan to send the CR, vetoed it, then told the world (on Twitter if need be) that Nan can prove she’s the one who’s right by getting the House to over-ride my veto. Put this on her from the get-go, and Trump would have his money today.

  18. LOL. I hope you people realize that paid trolls have been sent out to conservative sites to comment like Republicans slitting their wrists.
    They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t think the Dems were in trouble.

  19. Yeah, it’s a tired ass game they play. They do it over and over and even after they get exposed, they still try it.

    Are they at least getting $15 an hour? Did fight for 15 work for them, too? lol. You know, sometimes the left doesn’t actually cut you a check.
    Think about that one. 🤣

  20. The government is open for three weeks. I am sure there are things happening we do not know behind the scenes and it will work out for good and against evil. Because this is what it comes down to-the battle between good and evil- and God is on the side of good.

  21. When they fail reach an agreement again in three weeks, and the government partially shuts down again; perhaps PotUSvsg will make sure that employees of the Department of Education and the EPA will be furloughed … then after 30 days, reduced in force.

  22. “I lost faith in Trump when he jumped on the gun control bandwagon.”

    You’re not that bright are you? Trumps doing more for gun owners than anybody ever has by packing the Judiciary with conservative judges.


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